Boost Lead Generation & Conversions: Redesign

Conversion Rate

In this blog, we’ll discuss common lead generation and conversion issues in real estate websites, the impact of a redesigned website on these metrics, and tips for optimizing your website during a redesign. For a comprehensive guide on real estate website redesign, check out our main blog post here.

Common Lead Generation and Conversion Issues

  • Poorly designed or hard-to-find contact forms.
  • Ineffective calls-to-action (CTAs) that don’t resonate with users.
  • Insufficient or unclear information about properties and services.
  • A confusing or slow website that hinders user engagement.

Impact of a Redesigned Website on Lead Generation and Conversion Rates

  • Enhanced user experience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.
  • More effective CTAs, driving users to take desired actions.
  • Clear and concise information, helping users make informed decisions.
  • Streamlined navigation and faster load times, encouraging users to explore your site further.

Tips for Optimizing Your Website for Lead Generation and Conversion

  • Design user-friendly contact forms and strategically place them throughout your site.
  • Craft compelling CTAs that speak to your audience’s needs and motivations.
  • Provide detailed and accurate information about your properties and services.
  • Implement a clean, organized design that simplifies navigation and reduces page load times.


Improving lead generation and conversion is essential for growing your real estate business. By addressing common issues and optimizing your website during a redesign, you can create a platform that drives user engagement and generates more leads. For more tips on real estate website redesign, visit our main blog post here.

Further Reading

See also  Viral Real Estate Blog Ideas

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