A Recruiting Plan Is Essential to Attracting the Right Agents in 2022

If you want to recruit real estate agents to your brokerage, then a real estate recruiting plan is essential to attracting the right agents to your brokerage or team.

Your objective and competitive advantage are the first two things you must get clear on before starting your real estate brokerage. The next step is creating a plan to recruit the right type of agents to fulfill your dream.

Start with your goal (what you want to achieve) and your competitive advantage (what differentiates you from the competition) to determine the type of agent who will thrive in your brokerage. For example, if you are building a luxury brokerage, then many brand-new agents are unlikely to produce the results to help your brokerage achieve your objective.

Determine Your Objective

Determine Your Objective

The secret to recruiting is to determine what your objective and competitive advantage is and how it can benefit the agents you want to attract. Once you’ve done that, you need to focus all your recruiting efforts on that specific agent type. This doesn’t need to involve changing the world, but some distinctions on what you’re about. A client of our’s, Perception Homes, did a nice job of this on their mission page.

Develop Your Recruiting Broker Brand

real estate recruiting employing broker brand

Many companies build an internal brand to create a culture within the company and to set expectations of how their employees should act, think, and treat one another. This is no different for a real estate broker. We call this your Employing Broker Brand.

I place a lot of emphasis during new client recruiting consultations on how real estate buyers and real estate sellers are the clients of your real estate agents, and as a broker, your clients are your agents.

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Just how any business should develop one or more customer personas, as a broker you should develop an agent persona for your client, your agent.

Identifying the who will help you attract the right agents to your brokerage. This is important because it will help you tailor your thoughts when developing content for your target agents, even in how you write your emails, and what social media platforms you focus on. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – they all have different audiences and your content should be different and appropriate for each social media audience.

Narrow The Pool

Focus on your agent persona starts with narrowing the vast pool of agents in your market. This can start with their production and the location in which they want to specialize. Once this is done, you will use well-written scripts to attract the appropriate agents or repel agents who don’t fit your brokerage.

You can do a lot better with a targeted list of the right prospects, than just a shotgun approach. Focus on your audience, much like how a television program develops their dressing, is paramount to gathering data that you can use to improve. Targeting the entire market of real estate agents will make it very difficult to identify the single factors to test in order to optimize your recruiting campaigns.

Develop A Presentation

Real Estate Recruiting Presentation

Your presentation must then resonate with agents who want to be part of your dream. Since your brokerage may be new to them, you must sell them on the vision. You will do this by having a clear and concise message about what you are out to achieve and how you are different from the other brokerages.

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Having a real estate agent recruiting presentation is a great piece of material that can be spun into a variety of ads, single pieces of content, articles for your blog, and social media content.

Your real estate agent recruiting presentation is a key piece of content that agents can share with others, and as part of your recruiting plan, it’s a great piece of take-away material that you can follow-up with to make sure they have receieved, if your realtor recruiting prospects have any questions about, or otherwise – any reason to give them a follow-up call.

Onboarding Must Be A Breeze

real estate agent recruiting onboarding

Lastly, you will need to have outstanding processes and procedures to serve your new recruits and fulfill all the promises you made.

Onboarding a new real estate agents should be the smoothest transition. You must have everything ready to go immediately, from your tech stack, to agent website, to network/phone access. It’s your first impression.

Real Estate Recruiting Consultation

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