Keyword-Rich Real Estate Domain Names

In the past, real estate agents might have believed that buying real estate domain names containing keywords related to a particular neighborhood, community, or city would boost their website's search engine rankings. However, recent insights from Google Search Advocate John Mueller suggest that keyword-heavy domain names may not be as...

Real Estate Website Redesign: Staying Competitive

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and your website plays a crucial role in setting you apart from your competitors. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your competition's websites, the benefits of a redesigned website for staying competitive, and tips for creating a standout real estate website....

Elementor IDX

In the world of real estate, having a visually appealing and high-performing website is crucial for showcasing properties and attracting potential buyers. One way to achieve this is by integrating IDX (Internet Data Exchange) with Elementor, a popular WordPress page builder. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to build...

Elementor IDX Template For Real Estate Websites

In this blog post, I'm going to give you a run-through of our latest Elementor IDX template for WordPress Real Estate Websites. This Elementor IDX template is in the style of the real estate website, and designed for use both WordPress and popular IDX providers. Why Elementor is...

WCAG Compliance for Real Estate Websites

In today's increasingly digital world, having an accessible and user-friendly website is crucial for businesses in all industries, including real estate. One key aspect of creating an inclusive online presence is compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), a set of recommendations designed to make web content more accessible...

Site Speed: Improve in Redesign

Fast-loading websites are essential for user experience and SEO performance. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your website's current speed, common causes of slow site speed, and tips for optimizing site speed during a redesign. For a complete guide on real estate website redesign, check out our main...

Branding Changes: Redesign Time

Your brand identity and messaging play a significant role in establishing a strong online presence. If your branding or messaging has evolved over time, it's important to align your website with your current brand image. In this blog, we'll discuss the impact of inconsistent branding on user experience and trust,...

Competitive Edge: Real Estate Website Redesign

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and your website plays a crucial role in setting you apart from your competitors. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your competition's websites, the benefits of a redesigned website for staying competitive, and tips for creating a standout real estate website....

Boost Lead Generation & Conversions: Redesign

In this blog, we'll discuss common lead generation and conversion issues in real estate websites, the impact of a redesigned website on these metrics, and tips for optimizing your website during a redesign. For a comprehensive guide on real estate website redesign, check out our main blog post here. Common...

IDX Listing Meta Data

Meta data of IDX listings refers to additional information that is included alongside the listing itself, which provides search engines with more context about the content on your website. This metadata includes information like the property type, price, location, and more. Meta data is an essential aspect of real estate...

Indexable IDX Listings

As a real estate agent or broker, you know that your online presence is essential to your success. One critical component of your online marketing strategy is indexable IDX listings. These listings are available on the MLS and can be indexed by search engines like Google and Bing, which can...

Internal Linking For Real Estate SEO

Internal linking is an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that is often overlooked. When it comes to real estate websites, internal linking can be an effective strategy to improve your website's ranking on search engines. In this blog post, we will discuss what internal linking is and how...

Leveraging Social Media & Influencer Marketing

Social media and influencer marketing can be powerful tools for improving the SEO of a real estate website. By leveraging these channels, real estate professionals can increase their visibility online and drive traffic to their website. Learn How Leveraging Social Media & Influencer Marketing can improve your Real Estate Website's...

Optimize Your Real Estate Website Content

As a real estate professional, having a strong online presence is crucial to attract potential clients and stand out in a crowded market. One of the most important aspects of building that online presence is search engine optimization (SEO), and optimizing your website's content is a key part of that...

WordPress Real Estate Website SEO

Real estate agents and agencies often choose to create their website using WordPress When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), many people are unsure of how well WordPress Real Estate websites perform. In this post, we'll explore how to optimize your real estate WordPress website for SEO. Factors That...

Best Real Estate Website Providers

There are many real estate website providers to choose from, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs, goals, and budget. Here are some of the most popular real estate website providers, along with a brief overview of their features: Zillow: Zillow is one of the...

What is a Real Estate SKAG?

CHEM's Real Estate PPC program uses what are called “Single Keyword Ad Groups” or SKAG. Have you ever wondered why your Google Ads Buyer or Seller campaigns failed in the past? When we setup new Google Ads campaigns, we do it differently than 99% of the other Real Estatemarketing companies...

Real Estate SEO in 2022

One of the most common questions real estate agents ask us after building their websites is if real estate search engine optimization (SEO) is still an effective lead generation strategy. Here is my 2022 guide to Real Estate SEO in 2022. While ranking your content on search engines is harder...

What It Takes To Build A Successful Real Estate Website in 2021

In this article I discuss the features every real estate website needs to be successful in 2021. These include Responsive Design, SEO, IDX, lead generation, and expert marketing agency team behind it. Real estate searches have skyrocketed by 253% in the past four years. And according to the NAR, 90%...

How to Dominate Google Beat The Competition & in 2021

Google's algorithm has changed so much this year. Page Experience is next, and there is a big update coming. Here are the 4 steps you should follow to ensure your real estate website continues to rank well and dominate Google. Page Experience Optimizatio, it becoming harder and harder, and it...

Getting Real Estate Clients in 2021

Here are the top ways real estate agents got clients in 2020 and how they plan to get real estate clients in 2021. Getting Real Estate Clients: What Worked for Agents In 2020 agents really focused on working their sphere of influence for referral clients in grow their business. Relationships...

Real Estate Infographics: Creating Infographics For Real Estate

Infographics Are Great Freemium Content. Here is how you can create real estate infographics. As 2021 is beginning to gain momentum the marketing trend is strongly leaning towards search engine marketing - AKA content marketing. AKA inbound marketing. A major part of any search engine marketing strategy is lead conversion....

Do You Hate WordPress?

Is WordPress the platform upon which to build a real estate website? In this article we discuss the WordPress Pros and Cons for building a Real Estate Website. One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it's not the best platform upon which to build a real estate...

Seller Leads Landing Pages (12 Free Pages)

We've built you 12 real estate seller leads landing pages. The best part is these real estate seller leads landing pages are FREE! They include 6 free home valuation landing page designs and 6 nearby home sale real estate landing page designs. Seller Leads Home Valuation Landing Pages Free Sold...

Real Estate IDX

Real Estate IDX Explained Real Estate IDX is actually a protocol that came about to further the concept of cooperating broker compensation through allowing members of the same MLS Board to advertise each-others listings on the internet. Cooperating Broker compensation where the listing agent (seller's agent) agrees to pay the...

What is an IDX Website?

What is an IDX Website? An IDX website is any website that receives a feed of fresh listings from your MLS through a third party IDX provider. Generally speaking, third party IDX providers update their MLS listings every 15 minutes. That means that an IDX website will have listings that...

Real Estate Website Design Trends for 2021

Real Estate Website Design Trends are constantly evolving. Here are the real estate web design trends that will dominate in 2020.This includes current peaking trends and new trends that have recently emerged. Real Estate website design trends that will not change Mobile-first Now it’s official: there are more people browsing...

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