Follow Up Boss: An Effective Real Estate CRM

Follow Up Boss presents a multitude of effortless integrations, ranging from IDX websites, lead generation platforms, to email marketing services. This abundance of options allows agents at varying stages to tailor the user experience, modifying as per evolving requirements. This degree of adaptability is something that many Real Estate CRMs...

Zillow Zestimates: Decoding the Mystery

Zillow Zestimates often elicit mixed reactions, but one thing's for sure, they're here to stay. We've all seen it: the homeowner who obsessively sends Zestimate updates, clients who disregard local expertise in favor of Zestimates, and buyers who make lowball offers based on perceived Zestimate inaccuracies. So, how precise is...

Keyword-Rich Real Estate Domain Names

In the past, real estate agents might have believed that buying real estate domain names containing keywords related to a particular neighborhood, community, or city would boost their website's search engine rankings. However, recent insights from Google Search Advocate John Mueller suggest that keyword-heavy domain names may not be as...

Why YouTube Marketing is a Must for Realtors

Leveraging YouTube Marketing and creating engaging and informative videos is a potent way to connect with potential real estate clients and generate inbound marketing leads. YouTube is the world's top video-sharing platform for doing so. In this blog post we're going to explain several reasons why YouTube Marketing is essential...

How to Increase Your YouTube Views

Many real estate agents invest time and effort into creating high-quality, educational content for their YouTube channels. However, they often struggle with low YouTube views despite optimizing their real estate videos and maintaining a consistent uploading schedule. In this post, we'll reveal a strategy that has helped increase video views...

Mobile-Friendliness in Website Redesign

With the increasing number of users accessing websites from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly site is essential. In this blog, we'll discuss mobile-first indexing and its impact on SEO, as well as how to assess and improve your website's mobile-friendliness. For a complete guide on real estate website redesign, check...

Real Estate Website Redesign: Staying Competitive

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and your website plays a crucial role in setting you apart from your competitors. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your competition's websites, the benefits of a redesigned website for staying competitive, and tips for creating a standout real estate website....

USB Condoms for Realtors

Realtors rely heavily on electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops to manage their business, keep track of appointments, and communicate with clients. With this increased reliance on technology comes an increased need for privacy and data protection. USB condoms, also known as USB data blockers or sync stoppers, offer...

Mobile-Friendliness in Website Redesign

With the increasing number of users accessing websites from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly site is essential. In this blog, we'll discuss mobile-first indexing and its impact on SEO, as well as how to assess and improve your website's mobile-friendliness. For a complete guide on real estate website redesign, check...

Poor SEO Performance: Redesign Needed

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a critical role in driving organic traffic and generating leads for your real estate business. A poorly performing website in terms of SEO can negatively impact your online presence. In this blog, we'll discuss common SEO issues, their impact on search rankings, and tips for...

Branding Changes: Redesign Time

Your brand identity and messaging play a significant role in establishing a strong online presence. If your branding or messaging has evolved over time, it's important to align your website with your current brand image. In this blog, we'll discuss the impact of inconsistent branding on user experience and trust,...

Site Speed: Improve in Redesign

Fast-loading websites are essential for user experience and SEO performance. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your website's current speed, common causes of slow site speed, and tips for optimizing site speed during a redesign. For a complete guide on real estate website redesign, check out our main...

Competitive Edge: Real Estate Website Redesign

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and your website plays a crucial role in setting you apart from your competitors. In this blog, we'll discuss how to assess your competition's websites, the benefits of a redesigned website for staying competitive, and tips for creating a standout real estate website....

Boost Lead Generation & Conversions: Redesign

In this blog, we'll discuss common lead generation and conversion issues in real estate websites, the impact of a redesigned website on these metrics, and tips for optimizing your website during a redesign. For a comprehensive guide on real estate website redesign, check out our main blog post here. Common...

Real Estate Marketing Techniques for Today’s Agents

Over the years, real estate marketing techniques have evolved significantly. Today's agents can leverage technology like virtual tours, 360-degree photos, social media advertising, and personalized services to reach and engage potential buyers and sellers. These techniques can help agents stand out in a competitive market and generate more leads and...

Easter Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Spring has sprung, and with it comes the Easter season – a time for new beginnings, renewal, and fresh opportunities. As a real estate agent, Easter can be a great opportunity to connect with clients, promote your listings, and showcase your brand. In this blog post, we'll explore some Easter...

50 Real Estate Marketing Ideas For 2023

Are you a real estate agent or broker looking for new and innovative ways to market your properties and services in 2023? With the rapid pace of technological advancement and changing consumer preferences, it's more important than ever to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing strategies. Real Estate Marketing Ideas...

The Best Real Estate Marketing Blogs

Real estate marketing is an ever-changing landscape that requires constant attention and adaptation. One of the best ways to stay informed and up-to-date is by following real estate marketing blogs. These blogs offer insights, trends, and best practices that can help you improve your marketing strategies and grow your business....

Best Real Estate Website Providers

There are many real estate website providers to choose from, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs, goals, and budget. Here are some of the most popular real estate website providers, along with a brief overview of their features: Zillow: Zillow is one of the...

What is hyperlocal social media marketing for real estate?

Hyperlocal social media marketing for real estate is a marketing strategy that targets potential home buyers or sellers within a specific geographic area, typically a neighborhood or community. The goal of hyperlocal social media marketing for real estate is to create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to connect...

Hyperlocal Social Media Marketing

In today's fast-paced world, social media has become an integral part of our lives. With the growing popularity of social media platforms, businesses are increasingly leveraging them to reach out to their target audience. One of the latest trends in social media marketing is hyperlocal social media marketing. In this...

Real Estate SEO Expert Tips

Real estate SEO is how Realtors automate their leads, gains traffic, and make Google do your real estate marketing work for you. Not every real estate agent is naturally an SEO wizard. That’s where this article comes in. Follow along to figure out what all this SEO nonsense is about...

What is a Real Estate SKAG?

CHEM's Real Estate PPC program uses what are called “Single Keyword Ad Groups” or SKAG. Have you ever wondered why your Google Ads Buyer or Seller campaigns failed in the past? When we setup new Google Ads campaigns, we do it differently than 99% of the other Real Estatemarketing companies...

Real Estate SEO in 2022

One of the most common questions real estate agents ask us after building their websites is if real estate search engine optimization (SEO) is still an effective lead generation strategy. Here is my 2022 guide to Real Estate SEO in 2022. While ranking your content on search engines is harder...

ADA Real Estate Website Requirements

ADA Website accessibility claims are on the rise. With a reported 177% increase in website accessibility lawsuits filed from 2017 to 2018, and a 131% increase in filings during the first quarter of 2019 as compared to the first quarter of 2018, these lawsuits show no signs of slowing down....

What It Takes To Build A Successful Real Estate Website in 2021

In this article I discuss the features every real estate website needs to be successful in 2021. These include Responsive Design, SEO, IDX, lead generation, and expert marketing agency team behind it. Real estate searches have skyrocketed by 253% in the past four years. And according to the NAR, 90%...

Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs 2021

There are some rookie Instagram Marketing Mistakes people are making on Instagram. Here are my Instagram marketing tips that can help you avoid them. Since 2010, when Instagram came into social media existence, top brands, social media influencers, celebrities and smart entrepreneurs have taken advantage of Instagram to engage their...

Facebook Ad Targeting: High-Converting Strategies 2021

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the two major platforms for advertising online. While Google has its advantages, this article’s focus is on Facebook. Facebook is the largest social media platform online According to Pew Research statistics, it has consistently maintained more than double the traffic of its nearest competitors...

The Ultimate Guide To Millennial Marketing 2021

Millennials are a group with many supposed characteristics (lazy, narcissistic, open-minded, supportive). So how do you position millennial marketing? Howe and Strauss said that millennials are anyone born between the years of 1982 and 2004. Newsweek claimed that those dates should be 1977 to 1994. Time Magazine said 1980 to 2000. So...

Real Estate Infographics: Creating Infographics For Real Estate

Infographics Are Great Freemium Content. Here is how you can create real estate infographics. As 2021 is beginning to gain momentum the marketing trend is strongly leaning towards search engine marketing - AKA content marketing. AKA inbound marketing. A major part of any search engine marketing strategy is lead conversion....

Real Estate Marketing Tips for 2021

In this blog post, I disclose my top real estate marketing tips for 2021. The real estate industry has had some interesting ups and down over the past decade - NAR (National Association of Realtors) membership hit its all-time high back in 2006 with 1,357,000 realtors before dropping dramatically with...

Types of Video For Real Estate Agents

For most cultural shifts, it’s not what technology you’re using, but how and where you use it that matters. If you’re a real estate agent, your real estate videos are no different. Everybody’s making them, but almost no one is making them right. That’s why we’re going to cover some...

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