USB Condoms for Realtors

Realtors rely heavily on electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops to manage their business, keep track of appointments, and communicate with clients. With this increased reliance on technology comes an increased need for privacy and data protection. USB condoms, also known as USB data blockers or sync stoppers, offer...

Movies Every Real Estate Agent Should Watch

The world of real estate is often portrayed as glamorous, with agents closing million-dollar deals and living luxurious lifestyles. However, there's another side to the industry that isn't always showcased - the darker, more unsettling aspects. In this blog post, we explore 12 movies that reveal the less glamorous side...

Words To Enhance Your Real Estate Listing Descriptions

Writing a real estate listing description can be tough. Here are over 700 words that you can use to tell your listing's story. Creative Listing Description Words Words to Describe Starter Homes In Real Estate Listing Description VersatileHandyman specialLots of potentialAmple closetsFull basementCozyPied a terreEndless possibilitiesMove-in readyNeeds your finishing touchUsable...

What It Takes To Build A Successful Real Estate Website in 2021

In this article I discuss the features every real estate website needs to be successful in 2021. These include Responsive Design, SEO, IDX, lead generation, and expert marketing agency team behind it. Real estate searches have skyrocketed by 253% in the past four years. And according to the NAR, 90%...

Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs 2021

There are some rookie Instagram Marketing Mistakes people are making on Instagram. Here are my Instagram marketing tips that can help you avoid them. Since 2010, when Instagram came into social media existence, top brands, social media influencers, celebrities and smart entrepreneurs have taken advantage of Instagram to engage their...

Facebook Ad Targeting: High-Converting Strategies 2021

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the two major platforms for advertising online. While Google has its advantages, this article’s focus is on Facebook. Facebook is the largest social media platform online According to Pew Research statistics, it has consistently maintained more than double the traffic of its nearest competitors...

The Ultimate Guide To Millennial Marketing 2021

Millennials are a group with many supposed characteristics (lazy, narcissistic, open-minded, supportive). So how do you position millennial marketing? Howe and Strauss said that millennials are anyone born between the years of 1982 and 2004. Newsweek claimed that those dates should be 1977 to 1994. Time Magazine said 1980 to 2000. So...

How to Dominate Google Beat The Competition & in 2021

Google's algorithm has changed so much this year. Page Experience is next, and there is a big update coming. Here are the 4 steps you should follow to ensure your real estate website continues to rank well and dominate Google. Page Experience Optimizatio, it becoming harder and harder, and it...

Getting Real Estate Clients in 2021

Here are the top ways real estate agents got clients in 2020 and how they plan to get real estate clients in 2021. Getting Real Estate Clients: What Worked for Agents In 2020 agents really focused on working their sphere of influence for referral clients in grow their business. Relationships...

Real Estate Infographics: Creating Infographics For Real Estate

Infographics Are Great Freemium Content. Here is how you can create real estate infographics. As 2021 is beginning to gain momentum the marketing trend is strongly leaning towards search engine marketing - AKA content marketing. AKA inbound marketing. A major part of any search engine marketing strategy is lead conversion....

Starting A Real Estate Podcast

If you're a real estate agent, starting a real estate podcast could be a great way to build genuine connections with your network and expand them organically — especially now that people are craving original content more than ever. Here's how to start one: A podcast can be a great...

Designing A Real Estate Brand 2021

As an agent, your brand should breed trust, speak the truth and communicate value to anyone who comes across it. So, as you're starting to build your brand, think about these five important questions. 1. Who do you want to reach?  If you chase two rabbits, you’ll catch neither. This...

Real Estate Slogans

A great real estate slogan can help set you apart from the when it comes to personal or team branding. Real estate slogans are the summation of your value in four words or less. The amazingly talented agents, teams, and brokerages on this list have some of the best real...

30 Social Media Post Ideas

Here are 30 social media post ideas that should get you through the month. Rinse and repeat. DAY 1: I'M GRATEFUL FOR…DAY 2: MY WORKSPACEDAY 3: FAMILY PORTRAITDAY 4: OUTFIT OF THE DAYDAY 5: FAVORITE SNACKDAY 6: FAVORITE LOCAL BUSINESSDAY 7: A FURRY FRIENDDAY 8: A BLAST FROM THE PASTDAY...

Common Real Estate Questions

Here are a list of the most common real estate questions. These are the top 52 questions that a customer who is actually interested in buying, selling, or investing in real estate may have. One for each week of the year. Answer them in your weekly blog. post or email...

Real Estate Email Marketing Templates

Email marketing in real estate is an effective. However, you may not be seeing the results from your email campaign that you feel you should. The problem is likely that your customers are receiving the “marketing” but not the “message.” In this blog I have included some real estate email...

Do Real Estate Billboards Work?

Do real estate billboards work? Yes, they do, if you follow these rules: Billboards might seem a little old school, however, there are numbers proving that they still drive awareness of a brand, but only when advertised correctly According to a report released by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America...

Monitoring Your Real Estate Brand 2021

Monitoring your real estate brand is critical. There's opportunity in amplifying positive mentions. Here re my tips for real estate brand monitoring. In today’s online world, it seems there are stories every week about an agent getting fired, losing it on video or saying something questionable online. The internet works at...

Why The Most Human Agent Wins

Real estate agents love putting their face on things. Billboards, signboards, postcards, the sign at the local swim club. Marketing and branding in real estate hasn’t changed all that much over the years but here’s the thing, consumers expectations have. A LOT. “The businesses of the past were built on...

Real Estate Farming

Real estate farming is the strategy real estate agents use to position themselves as the go-to resource for a particular neighborhood. To successfully farm a neighborhood, first you must learn all you can about the properties and the people living there. Then, create a message tailored to those particular people...

Why Real Estate Farming Is Effective

Geographic farming is a powerful approach to lead prospecting because it zeros in on your audience and forces you to laser focus your marketing message. Rather than trying to be all things to all buyers and sellers, a real estate agent who farms knows more about who they’re targeting messages...

What Is A Real Estate ISA?

A Real Estate ISA is an Inside Sales Agent. The Real Estate Inside Sales Agent (ISA) model is a popular way to structure a team for lead follow-up. The Inside Sales Agent goes by many names. From phone animals to call crushers, whatever you call them, they play a key...

Real Estate Agent Bio Template

Your real estate agent bio is a fluid document Your real estate agent bio is a fluid document that should evolve with your career. It should be revisited at least annually. Your real estate agent bio, like your website, is a fluid document that should evolve with your career.It should...

Real Estate Tech Terms

Real Estate Tech Terms Every Real Estate Agent Should Know: The real estate tech terms that every real estate agent should know as as technology continues to change the way the industry operates. Brokers and agents have to be ready to shift when consumers do, and part of that is...

How Much Monday Do You Waste?

How much money or opportunity cost to you waste each day? Coffee Run $1,277: What you would save annually if you didn’t spend $3.50 daily on coffee. Actually cost you $8.90 per day. $85,305: What you would earn over 30 years if you instead invested the money monthly and earned...

Real Estate Slogans & Taglines

Real Estate Slogans & Taglines can help set you apart from the crowd. Sure, your logo was designed by a pro, your website looks amazing, and you toiled over your latest business card. Real Estate Slogans & Taglines should sum up your real estate value in four words or less?...

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