Constant Contact or Mailchimp for Real Estate?

constant contact or mailchimp for real estate -

Wondering whether to use Constant Contact or Mailchimp for your real estate email marketing?

The two biggest players that provide email marketing software that works for real estate agents in 2020 are Constant Contact and Mailchimp.The differences between the two aren’t all that big, so go with whichever works best for your business.

However, while Mailchimp offers more and arguably better designed templates than Constant Contact, Constant Contact wins out in one key area: deliverability. In other words, choosing Constant Contact as your email marketing software means that your email is slightly more likely to end up in your audience’s primary inbox and not the spam folder.

Email Tool Tester ran a study that found Constant Contact emails were more likely to be successfully delivered to a reader’s primary inbox or promotions folder in Gmail, and less likely to be delivered a user’s spam folder.

See also  Elevate Your Real Estate Email Marketing with ChatGPT

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