Dynamic Community Pages: Real Estate Website Feature To Boost Your Google Rankings

dynamic community pages

Dynamic community pages indicate to Google that you are the real estate expert in that area. As Googlebots crawl your website, they pick up on changes, such as new listings added to the page. The latest most relevant pages to the users search get the best positioning in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Do you want to rank on page 1 of Google for every neighborhood you serve?

Where should you bury something that you don’t want people to find?

Answer: On the second page of Google.

75% of people will never scroll past the first page on a Google search, which is why you need to rank on page 1 of Google when homeowners are searching for local real estate agents to sell their property.

Google loves fresh, hyper-local content. The real estate agents who are publishing fresh content on their real estate website are rewarded by Google with better rankings in the SERPs

When set up correctly, these pages will significantly increase your Google rankings in all of the communities you service when potential clients are searching for “real estate agent in <insert_your_suburb_here>”.

You might already have community profile pages on your website, but not all community pages are are equal.

Simply posting a short paragraph about the area, a video and some photos isn’t going to cut it – especially in metropolitan areas – where you have multiple other real estate agents and brokerages servicing those suburbs. Your community profile pages need to be much more in-depth and provide multiple references to the area, your real estate business, your real estate listings and property market data.

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These pages also need to be regularly updated to ensure the information is up-to-date and relevant. Our dynamic community pages check all of the boxes for great real estate seo results.


Goodwin & Thyne Properties website features a detailed suburb overview, description of the area, recent listings, current real estate listings, sold real estate listings, and property market data that is pulled in, in real-time via IDX.

dynamic community pages

A community profile page also exists for every community where they have ever sold or leased a property.

If their Realtors list a property in a new neighborhood, a new suburb profile page is created and new neighborhoods area added regularly, expanding the reach of the website.

Since the information on the community page is dynamic, as listings change and property data gets updated, these dynamic community profile pages are showing Google that the website is constantly publishing fresh content. This translates into better Google rankings for the brokerage in every suburb they service.

Depending on your website’s domain authority and the steps your website developer and/or real estate SEO expert have taken to implement this feature, dynamic neighborhood profile pages can potentially start to appear in Google’s search results in as little as a few days, improving you rankings very quickly.

Take for example Goodwin & Thyne Properties’ Montecito Community Profile Page, which rose to position #3 on page #1 of Google search results within just three weeks of being added to their website – positioning their business at the top of Google search results for a popular keyphrase, overtaking other Realtors and offices in the area with well established businesses in the local area.

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dynamic community pages seo google search results

How can I get dynamic community pages on my website?

If you are considering the approach outlined in this article to add community profile pages to your website, your web developer will require a sound knowledge of how to integrate APIs with your website and your website must be able to accommodate the use of APIs.

Manually updating suburb profile pages on your website to this level, for every suburb you service, is too big of a job for one person. For these pages to be effective, you will need to integrate your website with a third-party data provider so the data can be updated automatically.

Also, it’s important to remember that organic real estate SEO is a long term strategy that yields consistent results over time. Adding this feature to your website and expecting it to bring in a ton of leads overnight is not realistic. It takes time to establish prime position in Google’s organic (non-paid) search results for each suburb you service and dynamic suburb profile pages can certainly help you achieve this much quicker, but they are not the only strategy you should be considering. Your digital marketing partner should be advising you on a range of other strategies to ensure your business can be found online and how to stand out among all the noise.

If you are a CHEM.agency client, send us a message in the live chat to inquire about having this feature added to your website.

If you are not yet a CHEM.agency website client, but you are considering building a new website, learn more about our approach to web design and check out some of our recent projects here.

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