Getting Real Estate Clients in 2021

How To Get Real Estate Clients in 2021

Here are the top ways real estate agents got clients in 2020 and how they plan to get real estate clients in 2021.

Getting Real Estate Clients: What Worked for Agents

In 2020 agents really focused on working their sphere of influence for referral clients in grow their business. Relationships are core to a real estate agent’s business, so that’s not really a surprise; staying in touch with previous clients and providing value to your community does nothing but help your business.

The key to improving your follow-up to work your sphere of influence is to get your CRM implemented correctly to automate the your real estate lead and customer lifecycles, and in-turn automate a personalized follow-up/check in process for each and every person.

Consider how much money your lost sales might have added up to over the last year, and why you lost that business. Chances are you just weren’t in front of that client at the right time. This is fixable. If you don’t have a real estate CRM, shame on you! Your real estate CRM should be at the core of your real estate business.

Optimize Your Real Estate CRM

Just because you have a process running on auto-pilot and working doesn’t mean it can’t be further optimized to develop more leads! You should regularly check back and review the analytics behind every campaign and look for areas in the process where there are signs that improvements might be made.

Marketing is a trial-and-error process – Always try A/B/x campaigns on all of your real estate marketing efforts to determine what works best. The improvement might not only be to the systems and technology.-Improvements might also be those you could make to your sales skills!

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Other Ways Real Estate Agents Got Clients in 2020

Social media was the highest source of new clients in 2020. Likely because in-person meetings were more challenging. It seems COVID-19 accelerated business trends that were already taking off. I made investments in eXP Realty (eXp World Holdings), Hubspot, and Salesforce. I haven’t met a client face-to-face since 2009. It’s just not productive. I can do far more, for far more people over the phone.

Social media has the ability to show (instead of merely tell, how condescending). agents can communicate, both visually, and personally.

Social media is going to be the most popular area of focus for real estate agents in 2021.

Agents are quite literally doubling down on this channel. While social media was the source of new business for 44% of agents in 2020; 82% of agents plan to improve their social presence to grow their real estate business in 2021.

Finally, If you feel overwhelmed with approaching social media this year, get in touch with us. We can help you get your social media plan for 2021 in order, or run your real estate social media marketing do it all for you!

How To Get Real Estate Clients in 2021

How To Get Real Estate Clients in 2021

Real Estate Customer relationship management (Real Estate CRM) and email campaigns are the-most popular way agents plan to grow their real estate businesses in 2021 .

If you don’t have a real estate CRM, shame on you! You need one. Your real estate CRM should be the center of your real estate business. Check our our iMax Real Estate CRM.

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Additionally, feel free to get in touch with us if you need direction.

Of course, your CRM system will only work if you use it. Updating your contacts, creating systems, and developing helpful market information for your contacts can take time and energy. However, we can’t recommend enough spending time fine-tuning your email marketing.

Remember, If it’s not in the CRM it doesn’t exit.

Stu Hill

Also, keep in mind that you can figure out success by the numbers. Work backward from your goals in 2021 to understand what you need to accomplish to hit the number of deals you want this year. Then, you can decide on the areas of focus that will help you get you there.

Finally, If you are unsure as to what area of your real estate business to focus on to grow your real estate business in 2021, do a free SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.” This analysis will help you identify areas of your real estate business that could hinder or help your growth.

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