Hashtags for Real Estate 2021

real estate hashtags

In this Blog, I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know about real estate hastags, in plain English. Additionally, I’ll go over a real estate hashtag strategy that will help you 10x your followers.

What Are Real Estate Hashtags?

Real estate hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a # sign. The hash, or pound symbol is used online to catagorize posts into topics. Users can search by hashtag, or click on a hastag to see all posts on that topic, using that use that hastag.

How Do I Use Real Estate Hastags?

Great hashtags can be incredibly useful for getting your social media accounts off the ground. However, learing how to use real estate hastags is just as important as the real estate hashtags you use.


Here are the top real estate hashtags for 2021:

General real estate hashtags

  1. #realty
  2. #brokerage
  3. #realestate
  4. #listing
  5. #greatvalue
  6. #Realtors
  7. #NAR
  8. #luxuryrealestate
  9. #mansion
  10. #HUDhome
  11. #foreclosure
  12. #househunting
  13. #makememove
  14. #luxuryliving
  15. #homegoals
  16. #housegoals
  17. #investmentproperty
  18. #emptynest
  19. #broker
  20. #realestateagent
  21. #locationlocationlocation
  22. #FSBO
  23. #ICNY

Listing hashtags for real estate

  1. #openhouse
  2. #offmarketlisting
  3. #pocketlisting
  4. #newlisting
  5. #homeforsale
  6. #renovated
  7. #marblecounters
  8. #eatinkitchen
  9. #motherinlawsuite
  10. #petfriendly
  11. #dogsokay
  12. #catsokay
  13. #condo
  14. #coop
  15. #twofamily
  16. #midcenturymodern
  17. #colonial
  18. #Victorian
  19. #bungalow
  20. #shotgunshack
  21. #starterhome
  22. #cashcow
  23. #caprate
  24. #dreamhome
  25. #fixandflip
  26. #turnkeyinvestment
  27. #curbappeal
  28. #justsold
  29. #selling
  30. #townhouse
  31. #brownstone
  32. #frontporch
  33. #parking
  34. #pool

Neighborhood hashtags

  1. #walkableneighborhood
  2. #walkscore
  3. #HOA
  4. #treelinedstreets
  5. #downtown
  6. #uptown
  7. #yourneighborhood + style of home
  8. #yourneighborhood + real estate
  9. #yourneighborhood + home for sale
  10. #yourneighborhood + realty
  11. #yourneighborhood + life
  12. #yourneighborhood + living
  13. #closest big city + real estate
  14. #closest big city + home for sale
  15. #closest big city + realty
  16. #closest big city + life
  17. #closest big city + living
  18. #prettyarea
  19. #closetothebeach
  20. #greattransportation

Branding hashtags for real estate

  1. #yourbrokerage
  2. #realestateexperts
  3. #referrals
  4. #yourpersonalbrand
  5. #reducedfee
  6. #discountbroker
  7. #your farm area + expert
  8. #your farm area + brokerage
  9. #your farm area + personal branding

Fun real estate hashtags

  1. #wontlast!
  2. #callnow!
  3. #bringthedog
  4. #poochfriendly
  5. #freecookies
  6. #freewine
  7. #motivationmonday
  8. #thursdaythoughts
  9. #justRealtorthings
  10. #riseandgrind
  11. #condogoals

How to Use Hashtags to Close More Deals

Real Estate Hashtags

Okay, so far we’ve covered the basics for anyone new to social media and given you a ton of top real estate hashtags. Now, let’s go over some crucial best practices so you can actually use these hashtags to close more deals in 2021.

1. Don’t Use Too Many Hashtags

Real Estate Hashtags

Since hashtags are such a great way to reach your audience and expand your social media reach, you may be tempted to cram your posts full of them. Don’t.

In 2021, social media sites are smart enough to tell when someone is using hashtags to improve their post, and when people are simply spamming the site. You might not get your post flagged or removed for having too many hashtags, but at a certain point they will simply ignore them.

While that should be reason enough to use hashtags sparingly, remember that your audience can see your hashtags as well. How do you think they’ll judge your post if it has a billion not very related hashtags? If you guessed like the spam you just turned it into, give yourself a pat on the back.

2. What’s the Ideal Number of Hashtags to Use on Instagram?

Real Estate Hashtags

Before we decided to write this article, we knew this would be the first, second, and probably 75th question.

How many hashtags should Realtors use on Instagram?

This is just one of those questions that will get you ten answers if you ask five people.

Luckily, the answer is not as complicated (or as important) as you might think.

Instagram allows up to thirty (30!!) hashtags per post. Should you cram 30 hashtags into every single picture of your foster kitten you add to Instagram?

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Well, no. In fact, please don’t do that. While you might not get penalized by Instagram (the jury is still out on whether or not they do this) it will make you look more than a little desperate to your audience.

Analysis by marketing insights company Track Maven found that posts with 9 hashtags got the most engagement on social media.Real Estate Hashtags

That said, you don’t need to include exactly 9 hashtags to get eyeballs on your posts.

Instead, you should shoot for around 10 hashtags per post. If you’re trying to promote a listing or an open house you might want push your luck a bit and use 15 or 20, but at that point you might start thinking about putting a few dollars behind promoting your post.

3. Remember to Use Hashtags That Target Your Farm Area

Real Estate Hashtags

If you remember anything from this article or any of our articles on real estate marketing, let it be this. If you’re not targeting a local audience you may as well not even bother.

Think about it. You’re a hyper local real estate expert right? Your goal is very simple. To sell more houses.

The only way your social media posts will help you sell more houses is if they get in front of people who live in or want to live in your farm area. Period. Your Instagram could have 50,000 followers but if none of them live in or want to live in your farm area you may as well have zero.

How Local is Too Local?

Just how local you go with your hashtags depends entirely on your farm area. For example, people who work in Manhattan can use hashtags down to the street level. For them, using hashtags like #parkavenue or #centralpark is a no brainer.

If you’re in a more suburban or rural area, then chances are you’re not going to get as much traction out of using a hashtag like #highway101. Instead, focus on the larger area, or try to find small neighborhoods that locals will know and respond to.

Use Local Hashtags Sparingly

The goal of using local hashtags is to get your posts in front of people who live in, or are interested in your farm area. Since you want a large audience, you might be tempted to stuff as many local keywords as possible into your posts. Don’t.

Trust me, trying to cram too many local hashtags into your posts won’t help you get seen by more people. Social media sites are smart enough to spot spam tactics like this.

One to three local hashtags should get the job done.

4. Remember to Have Some Fun With Hashtags, Especially on Twitter

Real Estate Hashtags

One of the biggest mistakes we see Realtors who are new to social media make, is that they use hashtags like they’re filing a book in the library. While you do need to make sure your hashtags are helping categorize your post, remember that your audience can SEE them. You don’t want to come across as a bore do you?

So remember to have some fun with hashtags. You might try sprinkling in some hashtags just to describe your mood, #happy or to congratulate a coworker or friend on a promotion, #crushingit.

Holidays, the Super Bowl, and fleeting trends are also a great excuse to not just file your posts, but to show off your personality as well.

5. Use Hashtags to Highlight Your Listing’s Best Features

Real Estate Hashtags

Another great way to use hashtags is to show off cool features of your listing, or maybe a bunch of listings you just love. (With permission of course.)

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For example, you might want to include hashtags like #fireplace or #countrylife for a secluded listing in the country, or maybe something like #duplex or #industrialchic for a new development of loft space downtown.

While these might not get you a ton of local traffic, they might help you get in front of followers who have similar interests in architecture, interior design, or DIY.

6. How to Find Popular Hashtags Your Audience & Competition Use

Real Estate Hashtags

Since social media sites are well, social, using popular hashtags that your audience or competition uses can get more (local) eyeballs on your content.

More eyeballs = more money.

So, how exactly do you figure out which keywords your audience and competition are using on Instagram? Simple. You spy on them.

How to Find Popular and Local Real Estate Hashtags on Instagram

I know you were expecting something a bit more high tech, but at the end of the day the best and maybe only way to curate a local audience on social media is to figure out what they have in common.

Once you have a nice big list of keywords locals are using, you can then head over to Instagram’s search area and plug in some keywords. Once you do, Instagram will give you hashtags that use or are related to those keywords.

How to Find Popular and Local Real Estate Hashtags on Twitter

Luckily, Twitter makes the process of finding popular local hashtags easier. To the left of your Twitter feed there is an ever changing column called “trends.” Trends will show different popular and trending topics that are tailored to the content you post and the people you follow. Since you post a ton of real estate content, follow real estate related twitter feeds, and have a ton of local followers…well, that little sidebar is your new best friend.

There are also a growing number of websites that claim to offer secret hashtags and get you a million followers in a week. For the most part, these sites are just pulling hashtags from Twitter trends. Not really worth the time or effort unless you want to pay money for hardcore analytics software.

7. Save Commonly Used Hashtags So You Can Copy/Paste Into Your Posts

Real Estate Hashtags

Since data entry is probably not high on your list of priorities for the week, save yourself some time and wrist pain by copying hashtags you think you’re going to use a lot.

Even better, build up groups of hashtags that you can use over and over again on similar posts. Why reinvent the wheel every time you post about an open house or a new listing?

Hashtag Strategies for Realtors on Instagram, Twitter, & Pinterest

Real Estate Hashtags

For the most part, using real estate hashtags doesn’t vary that much between social media sites. You find popular hashtags, add them to your posts, and get found.

That said, there are a few quirks with the way each platform handles hashtags that are worth knowing. Here are a few ways each platform handles hashtags differently.


Unlike Twitter, Instagram allows users to follow hashtags that they like. While this might not seem very significant, it can actually help you build a regular audience for your content.

Let’s say you regularly use a hashtag about a local micro-neighborhood, or even a local street that is well known. Users may stumble across these hashtags and then voila, your content will now show up in their feed. The best part is that since very few people should be using local hashtags, you won’t have much competition.

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You can also add hashtags to your Instagram bio, which can be useful since links are not allowed. Local and popular real estate hashtags work best here of course, but you might also consider creating your own unique hashtag for your personal brand.

#KellySampsonRealtor might just pull up your posts today, but if you encourage your followers to use it might pull up people singing your praise in the future.


Unlike Instagram, Twitter does not allow users to follow hashtags they want to see more of in their feeds. If you want to follow hashtags on Twitter, you need to use a third party app like TweetDeck.

Other than that, the only real difference between using hashtags on Twitter and Instagram is that hashtags count in your word count on Twitter. This is fine if you’re just tweeting out a picture, but can be a pain if you have a lot you want to say.


Pinterest, on the other hand, is a different animal entirely. Instead of focusing on social interaction and engagement, Pinterest works more like a visual search engine. Think of it as Google image search that you can curate.

While you have 500 characters to use in your pin description, hashtags count toward that total so don’t overdo it. Four or five should be enough. Also, the first four hashtags show up beneath your pin in a search, make sure they’re not spammy sounding!

You can find popular or local hashtags on Pinterest by searching #yoursearchterm in the Pinterest search bar. Generally speaking, you should target hashtags that are relevant to your pin, have a good amount of searches, and ideally are local.

Real Estate Hashtag Advice for Pinterest From Lily Stern

On Pinterest, you can use the search bar to see what topics are trending. Click the bar, and the trending ideas will appear. Find a trend that is relevant to your product/blog/topic and click on it. Once you do, a series of suggested searches will appear in boxes under the search bar. Use those suggestions as your hashtags (along with a hashtag for the trend you clicked on) to directly appeal to the people searching for things most relevant to your content. Pinterest often sorts its content by date, so if you post something with a trending hashtag, a lot of people will see your new content! It’s a good way to instantly get in front of a new, larger audience that might not yet know about you or your content.

linkedin hashtags


If there’s one place that real estate agents should post but don’t, Linkedin would be it. After all, unlike other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, there are way fewer shiny things to distract your leads from your content. 

Amazingly, you can (and should) also use hashtags on Linkedin to try and narrow your target and show up in the right feeds. Keep in mind that your audience may be smaller, and not everyone is going to check Linkedin multiple times per day like they might check Instagram, but the fact that Linkedin is for professional development helps maintain a serious business like tone for your content. 

Some basic hashtag tips for Linkedin include, not using punctuation marks, including hashtags in copy, keep your hashtags short, and don’t include too many.

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