How Much Monday Do You Waste?

Recruiting Real Estate Agents Takes More Than Money

How much money or opportunity cost to you waste each day?

Coffee Run

$1,277: What you would save annually if you didn’t spend $3.50 daily on coffee. Actually cost you $8.90 per day.

$85,305: What you would earn over 30 years if you instead invested the money monthly and earned an annual 5% return

Bottled Water

$548: What you would save annually if you didn’t spend $1.50 daily for bottled water

$36,608: What you would earn over 30 years, if you instead invested the money monthly and earned an annual 5% return. Actually costs you $3.38.

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One Comment

  1. My company rebates 80% to 90% of our commission on purchases of new construction homes and condos back to the buyers. We cover south east Florida. Most buyers don’t know that builders pay a commission to real estate brokers. My company will pay you $200 for every buyer you send us that buys and we are paid a commission. Check out my web site. Mike Finkel. 954-562-1131.

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