How Much Traffic Should My Real Estate Website Get?

How Much Traffic Should My Real Estate Website Get?

In real estate, the number of listings you sell is determined by the number of listings you get. And the number of listings you get is determined by the number of listing appointments you set.

In digital marketing, the same ratios should apply to your website. The more website visitors you attract, the more brand awareness you create. And the more brand awareness you create, the more inbound inquires you’ll receive.

So when you get your next Google Analytics report from your web developer or marketing consultant, instead of glancing over it, take note of how many you had in the previous month.

Website traffic is important for measuring the effectiveness of your website but it can be difficult to know what to expect. How much traffic should your website get? How do you know? There are a number of factors to consider, including the size of your business and your digital marketing goals.

In this article, we’ll provide some benchmarks to see how your website traffic compares to similar businesses, but first…

What Does Website Traffic Measure?

Your website’s traffic generally refers to visitors to your site. These might be new or returning visitors and can they come from anywhere, including paid traffic from advertisements, organic traffic from search engines, social media posts, or direct traffic – where a user enters your URL directly or bookmarks your page.

Unique Visitors vs. Page Views vs. Session:

These are not the same. One visitor (Unique Visitors) might visit your website many times (Sessions) and they might view multiple pages during that session (Page Views). Some marketing companies or marketing teams will use Page Views as their measure of success – often because it’s the biggest number. While all of these metrics are important, Unique Visitors should always be a focus of attention. The more Unique Visitors you get, the more likely these other metrics will improve as a result.

How Much Traffic Should My Website Get?

A number of different factors will affect how much traffic you can expect for your website, and what number might be considered successful. If you’re comparing your website to other real estate websites in order to see where you fit, remember to use fair comparisons.

The following, among other factors, will affect how much traffic your website will get, and what to expect from a reasonable average.

  • Business size: An individual office with only a few properties on the market will likely have much smaller advertising budgets than a 50 office network with hundreds of listings being promoted at any given time. Compare your website to similar size businesses in terms of how many offices, listings and agents you have.
  • Age: Ranking well on Google is important for any size real estate business in order to drive traffic to your website, but part of how your website ranks on Google and other search engines comes from the trustworthiness and authority of your domain name. Domain authority takes time to build so if you are starting a new brand from scratch and building a website on a new domain name, be sure to compare new and older websites accordingly.
  • Industry vertical: More often than not, real estate businesses with a traditional sales and property management department will generate more traffic than a specialist property management business with no sales department. Compare your website to other business with a similar focus.
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Is My Website Traffic Good?

With so many factors to consider, it can be difficult to set benchmarks for website traffic. How do you know if your website traffic is up to par? There are a few strategies you might use to set benchmarks and compare.

Compare to Competitors

To assess your website traffic, it may be useful to compare to other websites in your industry. You can find traffic estimates on sites like or SimilarWeb, or use other strategies for estimating traffic as well. These sites tend to only provide data on larger websites with high traffic numbers so they can be hit and miss for a smaller business. Check out our benchmarking below for a more accurate assessment of businesses similar in size to yours.

When it comes to how much traffic your website generates from Google or other search engines, remember to consider the age of your site, as well as how much content you have, compared to your competitors. It will take time for a new website to compete with a similar one that has been regularly producing content for several years. You may also want to consider geography and target markets; a business targeting a large, metropolitan area will probably get more traffic than a similar business in a much smaller town.

Real estate industry website traffic benchmarks

Here are some real estate industry-specific comparisons, based on our own work with thousands of real estate offices and agents in both regional and metropolitan areas throughout Australia – based on Google Analytics data as well as Google Analytics Benchmarking. For ease of comparison, these figures are based on either an individual agent (with or without a team/EBU) or a ‘traditional’ real estate business, offering both sales and property management – measured by their number of offices.

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Important: Visitors are measured by Unique Visitors per month – be sure to check your Google Analytics for the correct metric when comparing (don’t use Page Views or Sessions):

Individual agent: 

  • Average: 100 – 300 unique visitors per month
  • Above Average: 3,000 – 6,000 unique visitors per month
  • Peak Performers: Some agents we work with attract 15,000+ unique visitors consistently each month

Broker with a single office (independent or within a franchise group):

  • Average:  800 – 2,000 unique visitors per month
  • Above Average: 8,000 – 15,000 unique visitors per month
  • Peak Performers: Some business we work with in this category attract 30,000+ unique visitors consistently each month

Broker with multiple offices (up to 5 offices – independent or within a franchise group): 

  • Average: 7,000 – 20,000 unique visitors per month
  • Above Average: 30,000 – 50,000 unique visitors per month
  • Peak Performers: Some businesses we work with in this category attract 100,000+ unique visitors consistently each month

Franchise group website (with up to 50 subdomains/office websites): 

  • Average:  60,000 – 80,000 unique visitors per month
  • Above Average: 100,000+ unique visitors per month

My Website Traffic is Low—What Can I Do?

More real estate businesses today are putting more focus on driving traffic back to their own website rather than relying on third-party websites or platforms. However, many are still directing their potential clients and buyers to the major property portals, social media or agent comparison/review websites.

Generating more traffic to your own website is a smart idea because it’s the only place on the internet where you’re not competing for attention. It removes all of the distraction for a potential vendor and puts the focus on YOU, your listings, your reviews and your content.

If you find that your website traffic is low, there are actions you can take to improve. These strategies work by either creating more opportunities for users to find your site, extending the reach of your current site to a wider audience or putting your website in front of users who are most likely to visit.

The following strategies can help to boost your website traffic:

  • SEO strategies: SEO can improve the search engine rank of some of your best-performing pages. Higher ranking content drives more clicks and brings in more visitors.
  • Create more content: Choose your topics thoughtfully, and cover subjects in detail to provide helpful, informational content that will interest your audience and drive more traffic.
  • Utilise advertising: Paid advertisements through social media or Google help to put your content in front of more users, encouraging more clicks and more traffic. By using ad targeting, you can show your website to users who are most likely to be interested.
  • Leverage your audience: If you have a large email list, consider using a newsletter to share your content. If you have a large social media following, share your content on your preferred platform, directing people back to your website. TIP: If you are already using an email newsletter or listing alerts from your CRM, make sure that the links in those emails go to YOUR website, not some landing page created by the CRM or email provider.
  • Update your website: If your website looks outdated, runs slowly, exposes users to cyber threats, or has other issues, it’s unlikely to rank well on search engines, and users are unlikely to stay on a page or return for another visit. Take some time to make updates before working on more content.
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Need some help? is the only place you’ll find a dedicated team of digital marketing strategists, digital marketing trainers, website/UX/graphic designers, content marketers, copywriters, social media advertisers and SEO specialists all in one place.

We work with real estate agents and brokers looking for more than just the tired template website approach.

We remove the guesswork from digital marketing and implement a system for driving revenue and profit from the day your new website goes live and for many years to come.

Learn more here and meet some of the real estate businesses like yours that are experiencing incredible results after launching their new website with

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SEM – Unlock massive amounts of traffic with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) using a combined SEO/PPC strategies with clear ROI. See REAL Results

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