How to Create A Real Estate Farm Marketing Strategy

Here are the four most important things you have to remember when communicating with your farm area.

1. Every Message Must Provide Value

First and foremost, every message you send must provide some sort of value to the people who are reading it. It doesn’t have to be the same value each time (in fact, it should be varied!), but there should be something that your receiver walks away from your message better for reading it. The WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) factor needs to be considered with every message you send.

2. Every Message Must Have A Call To Action

Almost as important as value is a call to action. Every message you send to your farm recipients must contain a directive, some push down the funnel, even if that push is incredibly small and discrete. For instance, not every message has to end with “Call today to list your home with me.” Something more subtle like, “Sign up to receive a regular market report about your neighborhood” is also a significant funnel mover.

3. Statistics Are Powerful Tools, But They Get Dry Fast

Numbers are your allies when it comes to putting together powerful farming messages, but they can get boring very quickly, so use them properly.

Remember, homeowners aren’t just living in a house they bought, they’re living in an INVESTMENT they made. Owners want to hear about how their investment is doing, so tailor your message toward the performance of their investment. However, don’t overload with statistics, keep these messages to once a quarter at the most.

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4. Your Messaging Must Be Consistent

Real estate farming is a long game. While you may get compliments on your messaging right out of the gate, you shouldn’t expect an immediate turnaround of clients from your farm after week one.

In order to harvest from your farm, you have to nurture your leads consistently, which means delivering them regular, quality content for at least a year. Most real estate agents start seeing a positive ROI from their farming efforts after about 12 months of work.

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