How To Get Free Real Estate Leads in 2021

An easy way that you can start to generate free real estate leads is by simply creating and optimizing community pages on your website. While the leads are free, your only investment, if you already have a suitable website platform to build the pages on, is your time.

It’s a really simple strategy that works effectively and quickly, and will start to bring you free real estate leads within weeks.

How To Generate Free Real Estate Leads

Here’s all you need to generate free real estate leads:

  1. A Real Estate Website (We would recommend WordPress Website with IDX)
  2. IDX Service (ShowcaseIDX or iHomefinder)
  3. Time to Invest

The strategy here to generate free real estate leads is to simply build out pages for each of the subdivisions in your market. Start with your highest value targets and work your way down from there.

Step 1: Start Creating A Community Page

Start by building out a community page out on your website. They can be pretty simple, give an introduction to the community, the style and type of homes in there, perhaps a list of the streets that are within the neighborhood.

Here is an example of a Neighborhood in Roseville, CA (Near Sacramento):

Free Real Estate Leads by creating community pages for real estate SEO

Step 2: Add IDX Listings To Your Community Pages

If you perform an advanced search on your website, you can search by subdivision. From this you can create a saved search within your IDX (known as a market in iHomefinder, and a Hotsheet in ShowcaseIDX).

Check Out This Video: Real Estate SEO Tips: Using hotsheets and community pages to drive traffic

See also  Real Estate SEO Myths: Debunked
Free Real Estate Leads by creating neighborhood pages for real estate seo

Here are instructional videos on how to create hotsheets/markets for both IDX Vendors:
How to create a Hotsheet with ShowcaseIDX
Creating Markets in Homefinder

Step 3: Repeat for ALL Subdivisions

Step 4: Reap The Rewards of First Page Placement

Without ANY Further Optimization – The Granite Bay Pointe Page has placed on the first page (Number 4)

Granite Bay Pointe is a neighborhood with homes that run around $850,000+. The first result on is valid; however, the results #2 & #3 for apartments aren’t what someone is searching for in relationship to this neighborhood.

This strategy is a much easier way to rank on Google. Just understand that other real estate agents and brokerages are catching on and building these community and property-type pages too.

Outranking Other Agents In Neighborhoods

Use the Skyscraper SEO Technique To Get Free Real Estate Leads

free real estate leads skyscraper seo technique

The skyscraper real estate SEO technique is one of the best ways to beat your competition on Google. Simply put, you just build a bigger, better page than what your competition have.

Use a tool like SEMRush or MOZ to analyze the URL and determine the factors that you could employ to beat your competition.

This may be as simple as adding a couple of paragraphs of text and inserting a relevant YouTube video on the page; better yet, you could make a youtube video

Check out my blog post on the videos all real estate agents should make

Help Getting Real Estate Website To Rank On Google

Need help with Real Estate Website SEO?

We Are Real Estate SEO Experts! Get in touch with us and we can point you in the right direction. Schedule a free real estate marketing consultation

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See How We Get You REAL Results.

SEM – Unlock massive amounts of traffic with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) using a combined SEO/PPC strategies with clear ROI. See REAL Results

SOCIAL / EMAIL – our team creates epic content that will get shared, get links, and attract traffic back to your website for lead generation.

CRM – Tie all of your marketing efforts together, track your contacts across all channels, automate follow-up, and measure REAL results.

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