How To Write A Great Real Estate Agent Bio

real estate agent bio

Here are some tips to help you craft an engaging real estate agent bio that will connect with readers and convert leads into clients.

Ready to start writing a great real estate agent bio? Before you put pen to paper, review these tips designed to help you craft an engaging real estate agent bio that will connect with readers and convert real estate leads into clients.

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How to Write a Great Real Estate Agent Bio

1. the First Sentence In Your Real Estate Agent Bio Is Crucial

Many people will make up their minds about you in the very first sentence of your real estate bio. Don’t use that sentence to meander your way toward your message. Jump right into demonstrating your value and capture your reader’s attention early.

2. Bigger Is Not Better

A longer real estate agent bio does not make you seem more impressive. In fact, it makes it less likely someone will even read it at all. Studies show that 50% of readers won’t read more than a single screen worth of text on their phone. Keep your real estate agent bio to less than 200 words and make them captivating.

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3. Social Media Links Are a MUST

A great real estate agent bio will make a reader say, “I’d like to learn more.” Include links to your real estate social media to give them that opportunity. However, if you don’t regularly engage with your audience on social media, including social links in your real estate agent bio can be detrimental. Remember to only link to platforms where you spend time online.

4. Use Your Brokerage’s Clout to Boost Your Own

Your real estate brokerage has likely invested a lot of time and money in building its reputation in your community. You can leverage these investments to springboard your professional reputation—building on the good vibes they’ve already established. If their ideals run counter to your own, you’re likely at the wrong brokerage.

Spice Up Your Real Estate Agent Bio With These Buzzwords

Struggling with the perfect description for yourself and what you do? Here are some of our favorite buzzwords and descriptors:

DependableIn the knowResoluteTrusted


Someone who has chosen to read your real estate agent bio is clearly interested in you. They want to see if you’re a good fit both personally and professionally and get a sense of what it would be like to work with you. Why not give them what they’re looking for? 

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If you’re authentic and let your personality shine through, your real estate agent bio may serve as the very first step toward a new client relationship that could last for years. Please share any questions you may have about writing an effective real estate agent bio in the comments section below!

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