How We Use Live Chat Buttons To Give Visitors Instant Answers

live chat for real estate website

Use Live Chat Buttons For Real Estate Websites To Give Visitors Instant Answers

For leads that want to talk to you right away, but don’t want to call you, you should offer live chat buttons on your real estate website.

7 Clever CRO Web Design Tricks

There’s a paradox when it comes to lead generation. Some leads want to talk to you right away, but they don’t want to call you, and they don’t want to email… Short of sending a smoke signal, what else is there?

Enter the live chat button. Live chat buttons are small buttons that sit in the corner of your website and beckon your visitors to have their questions answered instantly. Of course some visitors will just waste your time, but some won’t…

While there are a lot of options on the market, the best live chat software will ping your phone and allow you to respond to live chat via text message. This way you can answer questions and ideally get them to call you while you’re on the go.

Real Estate Live Chat Options for 2021

Luckily, if you’re considering adding live chat to your website there are a ton of options on the market. Zendesk, LiveChat, Pure Chat, and Ready Chat are all solid options.

Even better, if you want a free live chat option for your site, check out Freshchat.

AI Chat Bots

Amazingly, some companies even offer programmable AI chat bots to interact with your site visitors and answer basic questions. Personally, I would avoid these solutions for now, as many of your visitors will be offended that you pawned them off on a robot…

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If there’s one thing you do to your website in 2021, using CRO strategies to optimize for better lead conversion should be it. Pay attention to Hick’s Law, use heatmap software to track visitors actions on your real estate website, make sure buttons are easy to use on mobile, design them well, use live chat, and remember to A/B test your changes.

Need Help?

Do you need help in choosing the live chat option that is best for your real estate business, or a compatible live chat for your real estate website?

We’re here to help! Just schedule a free consultation with us and we can evaluate your website and business and make some suggestions.

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