Local Real Estate SEO Domination in 2021

When it kicks in, Local Real Estate SEO is an unbelievable win for your real estate business. This is the day you begin to get a steady stream of leads, that you can’t stop. Free! In this article I cover the methodology of our local real estate SEO program.

The competition on Google for top level, and even regional keywords for the real estate industry is too high for you to compete, without millions of dollars spent.

However, hyper-local real estate keywords are quite easily attainable.

About Real Estate SEO

There’s tons of good and bad SEO information available online. Not much of it really pertains to Real Estate SEO. Over the last couple of months I’ve really tried to change that by providing information, advice, tips and tricks that pertain specifically to real estate SEO; and, as we dig deeper how real estate SEO should really be considered LOCAL Real Estate SEO.

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If you’re struggling to get more visitors to your Real Estate Website, the answer might just lie in this FREE report!

Our Local Real Estate SEO Program

local real estate seo

We have a very simple local real estate SEO program that works very well, and beats out Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, and Realtor.com every time!

How our Local Real Estate SEO Process Works

How do we do this? Instead of going after master real estate seo keywords, we target long-tail real estate keywords and combine them with a localization factor.

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Example Local Real Estate SEO Keywords:
Homes for Sale in Eureka School District Roseville with a Pool.
Home for Sale on Smith Street, Chicago, IL
Lakefront homes for sale in Lake Of The Pines, CA
Homes for sale near Northstar ski resort in lake Tahoe Truckee CA

These search terms might not get the 20k searches a month that a term like Homes For Sale In Houston.

They might; however, get 100 searches per month, and you might rank #1-#3 and get 10 clicks from one of these local real estate search phrases.

So the plan: Build 1000 pages that get 10 searches a month = 10,000 Visitors & 1000 leads.

The Statistics

Statistically, our real estate websites are optimized to generate a 10% conversion rate. This means one in 10 visitors from these searches will likely convert into a lead.

If there are 10 clicks to your website from this one page that we have developed and search engine optimized then that one page could earn you 1 real estate lead a month, for life.

To increase traffic to your real estate website, and therefore increase the number of leads you are receiving, we would look to build out additional search pages around other combinations local real estate seo keywords.

Local Real Estate SEO Packages

real estate seo packages

Our recommended SEO package is $500 per month (we have other packages as well) and this equates to the creation of 50 SEO pages per month for your real estate website using different local real estate SEO keyword combinations.

As we build these pages out, if you consider one lead a month from each page, every month you could be adding up to 50 leads a month, in perpetuity.

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As real estate SEO experts, we offer a few different real estate SEO packages. The difference between them is simply the velocity at which we are building out local real estate SEO pages.

You Don’t Need To Buy A Real Estate Website From Us

Finally, I should note, you don’t need one of our websites, or our CRM in order for us to perform SEO on your real estate website. The benefit; however, is that we have optimized the conversion rate (Real Estate CRO). As real estate website designers and real estate SEO experts, we’ve spent the last 16+ years (as of 2021) perfecting the conversion of our real estate websites.

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Our goal – to position you as a ZILLOW KILLER with Local Real Estate SEO

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See How We Get You REAL Results.

SEM – Unlock massive amounts of traffic with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) using a combined SEO/PPC strategies with clear ROI. See REAL Results

SOCIAL / EMAIL – our team creates epic content that will get shared, get links, and attract traffic back to your website for lead generation.

CRM – Tie all of your marketing efforts together, track your contacts across all channels, automate follow-up, and measure REAL results.

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