How can I improve my real estate website’s ranking on Google SERPs?

Stu Hill
Mar 06, 2023 07:03 AM 2 Answers Real Estate Marketing
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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Mar 06, 2023

To improve your real estate website's ranking on Google SERPs, focus on keyword research, creating unique content, optimizing on-page SEO, improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, focusing on local SEO, building high-quality backlinks, encouraging online reviews, and utilizing Google Analytics to track performance and optimize your strategies.

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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Apr 17, 2023

Improving your real estate website's ranking on Google SERPs involves optimizing various aspects of your website, including content, technical SEO, and off-page factors. Here are some strategies to help boost your ranking:

  1. Conduct keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and include them in your content, titles, and meta descriptions.
  2. Create high-quality, unique content: Publish informative and engaging content targeting your audience's needs and preferences.
  3. Optimize on-page SEO: Structure your website with proper headings, tags, and meta descriptions.
  4. Improve site speed: Optimize your website's load time to enhance user experience and meet Google's performance standards.
  5. Ensure mobile-friendliness: Optimize your website for mobile devices as more users access websites on their smartphones.
  6. Focus on local SEO: Optimize your website for local search, including Google My Business listings and location-specific keywords.
  7. Build high-quality backlinks: Gain credibility and improve your website's authority by acquiring backlinks from reputable sources.
  8. Encourage online reviews: Request client reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp to build trust and credibility.
  9. Utilize Google Analytics: Track your website's performance, identify areas for improvement, and measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
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