How can I use retargeting to generate leads?

Stu Hill
Mar 02, 2023 05:46 AM 1 Answers Real Estate Lead Generation
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Stu Hill
Mar 02, 2023

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a powerful advertising technique that allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand in some way. Here are some ways you can use retargeting to generate real estate buyer and seller leads:

  1. Retarget website visitors: By using a tracking pixel on your website, you can retarget people who have visited your website but haven't yet converted into leads. Show them ads that highlight your properties or services and encourage them to take action.
  2. Retarget searchers: If someone has searched for properties in your area but hasn't yet engaged with your business, you can retarget them with ads that showcase your properties and services.
  3. Retarget social media users: If someone has engaged with your social media content but hasn't yet become a lead, you can retarget them with ads that highlight your properties and services.
  4. Retarget email subscribers: If someone has subscribed to your email list but hasn't yet become a lead, you can retarget them with ads that encourage them to take action.
  5. Retarget previous clients: If you have a list of previous clients, you can retarget them with ads that highlight your services and encourage them to refer their friends and family to your business.

By using retargeting, you can stay top-of-mind with potential real estate buyers and sellers, increase brand awareness, and generate more leads for your business. Remember to test and optimize your retargeting campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

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