Should I mark my real estate listing pages as Canonical?

Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023 10:25 AM 1 Answers Real Estate SEO
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Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023

If you have a real estate listing on your website that is also syndicated to other real estate portals, it's important to avoid duplicate content issues. In this case, using a canonical tag on the listing page of your website may not be the best approach.

The reason is that the canonical tag tells search engines which version of a page is the preferred or canonical version, and that it should be considered the original source of the content. However, in the case of a real estate listing that is syndicated to multiple portals, it's unlikely that your website's listing page is the original source of the content. Instead, it's more likely that the portal where the listing was first created is considered the original source.

In this case, it's recommended to use a different approach to avoid duplicate content issues, such as using the rel=canonical tag on the syndicated versions of the listing pages to point back to your website's listing page. This tells search engines that your website's listing page is the preferred version of the content, and helps to consolidate the search engine ranking signals for that page.

It's important to work with your website developer and SEO team to ensure that the appropriate canonicalization approach is used for your real estate listings to avoid any negative impact on your website's search engine ranking.

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