What happens if the MLS data is incorrect or outdated?

Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023 07:15 AM 2 Answers Real Estate IDX
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Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023

If MLS data is incorrect or outdated, it can lead to inaccurate information on your website, which may negatively impact your reputation and client trust. To mitigate this issue, regularly verify the accuracy of MLS data and promptly report any discrepancies to your local MLS for correction.

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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023

When MLS data is incorrect or outdated, it can have several consequences for real estate professionals who rely on this information for their websites and clients. Inaccurate MLS data may result in:

  1. Misleading information: Incorrect property details, such as pricing, square footage, or the number of bedrooms, can create confusion and disappointment for potential clients who base their decisions on this information.
  2. Negative impact on your reputation: Providing inaccurate information on your website can damage your credibility as a real estate professional and lead to a loss of client trust.
  3. Reduced lead generation: Outdated or incorrect information may deter potential clients from using your website or contacting you for further assistance.

To address the issue of incorrect or outdated MLS data, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly verify the accuracy of MLS data: Review the property listings on your website to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date. Pay particular attention to crucial details like pricing, property status, and property features.
  2. Report discrepancies to your local MLS: If you notice any inaccuracies in the MLS data, promptly report them to your local MLS for correction. MLS organizations are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of their databases, and reporting errors can help ensure that the information is corrected quickly.
  3. Monitor data update frequency: Choose a Real Estate IDX Provider that updates its listing data frequently, ideally within a 24-hour timeframe or less. Frequent updates can help minimize the risk of displaying outdated information on your website.
  4. Communicate with clients: If you become aware of any inaccuracies in the MLS data displayed on your website, proactively communicate with your clients to clarify the situation and provide updated information.

By actively monitoring MLS data accuracy and working with your local MLS to address any discrepancies, you can help maintain the quality and reliability of the property listings on your website, fostering trust with your clients and protecting your professional reputation.

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