What is IDX and how does it work?

Stu Hill
Mar 02, 2023 05:47 AM 1 Answers Real Estate IDX
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Stu Hill
Mar 02, 2023

IDX (Internet Data Exchange) is a system that allows real estate professionals to display real-time MLS (Multiple Listing Service) data on their websites. MLS data contains detailed information about properties that are for sale or rent, including property features, location, pricing, and more. IDX integration makes it possible for agents and brokers to display this data on their own websites, making it easier for clients to search for properties and providing agents with a valuable marketing tool.

IDX works by using a data feed that connects the MLS database to the real estate website. This data feed can be customized to display specific fields, such as property details, photos, and virtual tours. When a user searches for properties on the website, the IDX system uses the data feed to display relevant listings. Users can then click on individual listings to view more detailed information and contact the agent or broker for more information or to schedule a showing.

IDX integration offers several benefits for agents and brokers, including increased website traffic, better lead generation, and improved client satisfaction. By providing clients with access to real-time MLS data, agents and brokers can demonstrate their expertise and knowledge of the local real estate market, which can lead to increased client trust and loyalty. Additionally, IDX integration can save agents time and money by automating many of the tasks associated with property search and marketing.

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