What is technical SEO for real estate websites?

Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023 10:02 AM 3 Answers Real Estate SEO
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Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023

Technical SEO for real estate websites involves optimizing the website's technical elements, such as mobile responsiveness, site speed, URL structure, schema markup, XML sitemap, canonical tags, HTTPS, robots.txt file, 404 errors, and internal linking to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). These optimizations help search engines crawl and index the site more efficiently, improve the user experience, and ultimately increase organic traffic to the site.

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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023

Technical SEO for real estate websites involves optimizing the technical elements of the site to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages, such as mobile responsiveness, site speed, URL structure, schema markup, XML sitemap, canonical tags, HTTPS, robots.txt file, 404 errors, and internal linking.

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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Mar 21, 2023

Technical SEO for real estate websites involves optimizing the website's technical elements to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some important technical SEO considerations for real estate websites:

  1. Mobile responsiveness: With the majority of internet users accessing websites via their mobile devices, it is essential that real estate websites are optimized for mobile devices.
  2. Site speed: Site speed is a crucial factor in SEO, and slow-loading pages can negatively impact a site's ranking. Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to identify any issues affecting your site's speed.
  3. URL structure: The URL structure of your site should be clear and easy to read. It should also contain keywords related to the content of the page.
  4. Schema markup: Schema markup helps search engines understand the content on your website, and it can improve your chances of appearing in rich snippets on SERPs.
  5. XML sitemap: An XML sitemap is a file that helps search engines crawl your website more efficiently. Ensure that your sitemap is up-to-date and includes all relevant pages on your site.
  6. Canonical tags: Duplicate content can harm your site's SEO. Canonical tags help search engines understand which version of a page is the primary version.
  7. HTTPS: Secure websites (using HTTPS) are given priority in search engine rankings.
  8. Robots.txt file: A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages to exclude from indexing. Ensure that your robots.txt file is up-to-date and accurate.
  9. 404 errors: Broken links or missing pages can harm your SEO. Use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix any 404 errors on your site.
  10. Internal linking: Internal linking helps search engines understand the hierarchy of pages on your site and can improve the user experience. Ensure that all internal links are working correctly and that they are relevant to the content on the page.

By taking these technical SEO considerations into account, real estate websites can improve their visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

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