What is the difference between IDX and MLS?

Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023 08:26 AM 2 Answers Real Estate IDX
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Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023

IDX (Internet Data Exchange) and MLS (Multiple Listing Service) are related but distinct concepts in the real estate industry. MLS refers to the database of property listings created and maintained by real estate professionals, while IDX is a set of rules and technologies that enable agents and brokers to display MLS property listings on their websites.

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Best Answer
Stu Hill
Apr 01, 2023

Although IDX and MLS are both essential components of the real estate industry, they serve different purposes and functions:

  1. MLS (Multiple Listing Service): MLS is a database of property listings created, maintained, and shared by real estate agents and brokers who are members of the service. These databases facilitate cooperation among real estate professionals by providing a centralized platform for sharing property information, promoting listings, and setting commission rates. There are multiple MLS organizations across the United States, each serving a specific region or market.
  2. IDX (Internet Data Exchange): IDX is a set of rules, policies, and technologies that allow real estate agents and brokers to display MLS property listings on their websites. IDX enables real estate professionals to showcase properties from the MLS database, providing potential buyers with access to a wide range of listings in a given area. By implementing IDX on their websites, agents and brokers can offer a comprehensive and up-to-date property search experience for their clients.

In summary, MLS is the database of property listings used by real estate professionals to share and access information, while IDX is the system that allows agents and brokers to display these listings on their websites. Both concepts work together to facilitate property transactions and enhance the overall real estate market experience for professionals and consumers alike.

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