Mistakes to Avoid: Real Estate Business Card Fails

business card

If your considering upgrading your real estate business card to help you nail your next meeting, here are some examples of design clichés to avoid.

1. Too Much Clutter!

Real Estate Business Card Fails

Look, we get it. Even if you’re doing great, money is money. Spending extra for back-and-front printing can add up. Here’s the thing though—you’re going to have to sacrifice SOMETHING. Trying to jam a million and one words onto one side of a card is going to look overwhelming.

2. Trying to Shoehorn Your Hobbies Onto Your Cards

Real Estate Business Card Fails

Like millions of other people, I’m a huge “Game of Thrones” fan. My friends and I would spend hours breaking down each episode and trying to predict upcoming plot twists. Chances are, if you like “Game of Thrones,” we would have a lot to talk about.

That said, when I’m looking to hire a professional, the last thing I want to know is what kinds of TV shows they like or whether or not they thought Tyrion Lannister would end up riding a dragon. Why are you making it the sole focus on your business card?

3. Using Cheesy Stock Real Estate Photos on Your Cards

Real Estate Business Card Fails

OK, you work in real estate—I already know that because not only did you tell me when you handed me your card at a REAL ESTATE SHOWING, but it also says the name of your brokerage and the word Realtor next to your name.

Instead of splashing out on full-color printing for cheesy pictures, why not spend a little more time getting your layout and typography to look more sophisticated?

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4. Bad Photoshop

Real Estate Business Card Fails

Yes, your cousin’s brother’s nephew has Photoshop. No, that does not mean he knows how to use it properly. Cut-out headshots, cheesy pictures, and weird text effects all scream 1995 and have no place on your professional real estate business cards.

5. Not Learning the Business Card Etiquette of Other Cultures

Real Estate Business Card Fails

Even if you’re working in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota, chances are if you do enough deals, you’re going to work with people from other cultures. 

Most countries have very similar business etiquette practices as the United States, but China and Japan are major exceptions. In Japan, they have a whole business card ceremony called meishi koukan (名刺交換).

When working with someone from China, you’ll need to hand over your card with both hands, never give them cards while sitting (stand up instead), and have a card case. You should never hand anyone a wrinkled or creased business card—this is actually an insult in Chinese business culture.

6. Taking Advice From This Guy

This might sound a little hypocritical, but you should take all of our advice here with a grain of salt. Yes, we’re design snobs and yes, we have decades of combined experience in real estate and marketing, but always remember this is YOUR card. 

Whatever you end up doing, just make sure you either hire a professional or get their advice before you send your cards off to the printers.

7. Funny Shapes

Real Estate Business Card Fails

The novelty of the long, skinny real estate business card lasts about as long as it takes one to get lost in the card pocket of your wallet. And these ALWAYS get lost in the card pocket of wallets. I think I have at least one buried in a deep dark recess of my wallet right now …

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