Real Estate Email Marketing

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Real Estate Email Marketing

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Real Estate Email Marketing

Real Estate Email Marketing Tips 2022

There are a few easy ways real estate agents can improve their email marketing campaign results. If you want to send emails that actually convert, implement these real estate email marketing tips.

Real Estate Email Templates
Real Estate Email Marketing

Real Estate Email Templates

Most leads, especially millennials, prefer to be contacted via email. Writing effective real estate email templates will help you close more deals in 2022. However, for many agents, writing effective emails can be challenging. To help you, I’ve put together this resource of effective real estate email templates you can use.

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Open House Follow-up Email Templates

The secret to writing follow-up emails that convert is to give leads something they want and make it easy for them to get it from

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Real Estate Email Marketing

Constant Contact or Mailchimp for Real Estate?

Wondering whether to use Constant Contact or Mailchimp for your real estate email marketing? The two biggest players that provide email marketing software that works

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Real Estate Email Marketing

Real Estate Email Marketing

Real Estate Email Marketing is a strategy that requires commitment When developing a real estate email marketing strategy it is important for real estate agents

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Real Estate Email Marketing

Real Estate Email Marketing Tips 2021

When it comes to real estate email marketing, real estate agents actually have an advantage. What other industry gets new, local inventory that changes daily,

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Real Estate Email Marketing

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Real Estate Email Marketing is a strategy that requires commitment

When developing a real estate email marketing strategy it is important for real estate agents to stand out by providing interesting and relevant content (that isn’t just about new listings) that their audiance/sphere will actually read.

Here are some real estate email marketing tips on getting started:

Find Inspiration From Your Favorite Email Newsletters

Look to your own favorite fashion/business/foodie newsletters for content inspiration, and what stories or hot topics you and your friends and other industry professionals are talking about.

Plan Ahead

Start out by brainstorming a few topics in your niche to potentially write about. Continually gather bits of information and different visual assets so when you’re ready to sit down and get it done, you’ve already done your research!

Focus Content on What You Know

What is your value add? Curate your content and theme based on your unique expertise, skill set, or interests.

  • For example, if you have a special talent for staging, take a time-lapse video of redecorating a listing and getting it ready for sale. Write about how important staging is in the current market, and cite past case studies that prove it gets the home sold faster. You can even go a step further and touch on the interior design aspect of the room, sharing where each item is from and any feng shui tips for styling different types of spaces.
  • If you’re more of a number-cruncher with an audience in the finance world, your newsletter could be formatted as a market report with research on your city’s performance each quarter and your opinion for the forecast of where the market might be heading.
  • If you’re new to real estate and still finding your footing, you could start out with a theme that explores a list of “the best of” a popular neighborhood in your city and cover a different area each time. We all love listicles! You could also focus on interests like food, music, pets, or fitness and think of creative ways to tie those things back to real estate.
  • Interviews/Q&As with industry professionals is another interesting angle. Think of any architects, interior designers, artists, gallery owners, or fashion designers you know who may be related to or shaking up the real estate industry in a unique way

Keep Your Emails Short, Sweet & Relevant

Offer relevant, interesting information in digestible amounts. Your newsletter shouldn’t take longer than five minutes to read.

Be Visual

Incorporate visually appealing images that are relevant to your topic. Free stock photo sites like are a great resource for great photography. Services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer free newsletter templates with your paid membership; take advantage of those or hire a freelance designer to help create something more custom.

Commit to Engaging With Your Audience With Email Marketing

Decide whether you will send on a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly basis. Consistency is key to stay top of mind!

Similar to newsletters, you will see the same return from social media as the effort you put into it. Sending one newsletter a year or posting every other month will just be a drop in the bucket. Without thoughtful planning and consistency, neither strategy will be very effective.

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