Get Noticed: The Ultimate List of Real Estate Hashtags for 2023

White Real Estate Hashtags Held by A Hand on a Yellow Background

Social media has become an essential part of any real estate agent’s marketing strategy. With the right approach, it can be an effective way to attract potential clients, showcase properties, and build a strong brand presence. One way to increase your reach and engagement on social media is by using hashtags. In this post, we’ll explore what hashtags are, how to use them effectively, and the top real estate hashtags agents can use in 2023 to get the best reach on their social media posts.

What are real estate hashtags?

Hashtags are essentially a way to categorize and organize social media content. By adding a “#” symbol before a keyword or phrase, it becomes a clickable link that allows users to see all posts using that same hashtag. Hashtags are used across all major social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Why use real estate hashtags?

Using hashtags can help increase the visibility of your social media posts and reach a larger audience. They can also help your content appear in search results for specific keywords or topics. Hashtags are especially important for real estate agents looking to connect with potential clients and showcase their properties. By using relevant real estate hashtags, you can target people who are interested in buying, selling, or renting property.

How to use hashtags effectively?

Here are some tips for using hashtags effectively on social media:

  1. Be strategic: Use hashtags that are relevant to your post and target your desired audience.
  2. Keep it simple: Use 1-3 hashtags per post to avoid appearing spammy.
  3. Research and monitor: Research popular real estate hashtags and monitor their effectiveness over time.
  4. Be specific: Use long-tail hashtags that are more specific and targeted to your audience.
  5. Engage with others: Engage with other users who are using the same hashtags to build relationships and increase your visibility.
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Top real estate hashtags for agents in 2023:

  1. #realestate – A general hashtag that can be used for any real estate-related post.
  2. #newhome – Perfect for posts showcasing a new listing or a happy client moving into their new home.
  3. #dreamhome – Ideal for luxury or high-end property posts.
  4. #househunting – Great for posts about homebuying tips, advice, and inspiration.
  5. #justsold – Celebrate a recent sale by using this hashtag along with a photo of the happy new homeowners.
  6. #openhouse – Promote an upcoming open house event by using this hashtag.
  7. #homesweethome – Use for heartwarming posts about a happy client or a beautiful new property.
  8. #realtorlife – Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your life as a real estate agent.
  9. #mortgage – Posts about mortgage advice, rates, and information can use this hashtag.
  10. #investmentproperty – Use for posts about investment properties or tips for real estate investing.


In conclusion, hashtags can be a powerful tool for real estate agents looking to increase their social media reach and engagement. By using relevant and targeted real estate hashtags, you can connect with potential clients, showcase your properties, and build a strong online presence. Remember to use hashtags strategically and sparingly, and monitor their effectiveness over time to continuously improve your social media strategy.

If you need help with your real estate social media marketing then book a free real estate marketing consultation with today!

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