Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Real Estate Lead Generation

In real estate, lead generation should be 80% of any real estate agent’s job. Here are 9 effective ways to generate real estate leads in 2022.

As a real estate agent, you should be spending about 80% of your time working the sales and marketing aspect of your business. An effective real estate lead generation program should encompass all of the below real estate lead generation strategies into your business in 2022. This will help diversify your lead sources across multiple channels.

9 Effective Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas That Work In 2022

Leverage Landing Pages

Custom landing pages with contact forms are a smart and easy way to convert more online traffic into leads.
A landing page is simply a standalone page on your website that offers something valuable to your users in exchange for contact information. (Making them super powerful lead generation tools!)

Diversify Your Lead Sources

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket! Some years your referral business might be through the roof and some years it might slow down. Diversify your sources (just as you would a stock portfolio) and keep tabs on where you should invest more or cut back.

Establish a Differentiator

Like any other business, in real estate you should have a differentiator. This could mean specializing in a niche market, offering unique specialized programs (example: buy-before-you-sell), or simply having a strong value proposition that beats the competition: “The Only White-Glove, 5-Star Experience in Town.”

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Qualify Your Buyer Leads to Generate Seller Leads

Qualify your buyer leads when they register on your site by asking, “Do you have a home to sell?” Remember, today’s buyer leads are tomorrow’s seller leads!

Use Your Testimonials

Feature testimonials of happy clients. All the time, everywhere you can. Make sure your Search Engine
Profiles (google business profile, yelp, yahoo, bing, etc.) are up-to-date and complete. Also, consider adding a step in your process to solicit reviews and testimonials from clients. (If you’re having a hard
time getting them to do it, consider offering some free swag or a gift card.)

Recently, there was an update to Google’s Algorithm pertaining to their Google Local Results. Please take a look at this article to make sure that you are ranking as a hyper-local agent for search terms like “Best Real Estate Agent in [insert city name here].”

Understand the Funnel – Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Understanding the real estate lead funnel allows you to work smarter, not harder. Don’t be the agent that expects online leads to convert immediately. Those are top-of-funnel leads that take on average 6-24 months to convert!

Target your lead generation efforts accordingly. Online lead generation through digital and pay-per-click
advertising will establish a strong pipeline of leads for your database that will grow and convert over time.
(Sustainable business!) Your sphere/referral leads are bottom-of-the-funnel leads who will generate those quick wins.
Both are important! And understanding the funnel is critical for long term success.

Master Organic and Paid Social Media (that works for you)

Okay, mastering organic & paid social media may sound like a mammoth task. But focus on a few effective and dollar-productive strategies that work for your business.

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Play around with dynamic re-targeting and look-alike audiences on Facebook. Are you great on camera? Jump on an Instagram Live or focus your efforts on Stories & Reels.

Deliver High Value Content – Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Give, give, give…then, sell. This sales strategy has been around for decades. You have to provide value before you can sell your services, and the same goes for real estate agents. If you’re not creating high value content you need to start now.

Send Unsolicited CMAs – Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Send a personalized (and unsolicited) Current Market Analysis to leads that already exist in your database that might be cold or lukewarm to show that you are the market expert.
Note: These have to be personalized to convert!

Here is how to create an unsolicited video CMA

Consider leveraging email video software that integrates directly with your CRM.


Agents who use a Real Estate CRM close up to 13-14 more transaction sides than agents who don’t use a Real Estate CRM

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