Real Estate Recruiting Partnership Program

chem digital real estate recruiting partnership program

Recruiting talented and motivated real estate agents is critical to the success of any brokerage. However, finding the right agents can be a challenge, especially in a crowded and competitive market. That’s where the real estate recruiting partnership program comes in. This innovative program is designed to help you identify and attract top-performing agents who are a great fit for your brokerage, using a targeted and personalized approach.

The real estate recruiting partnership program is built around a few key principles. First, the program targets agents who are already active in the market and affiliated with a brokerage, but who may be open to exploring new opportunities. Specifically, the program looks for agents who do 6-15 transactions per year, with an average of 10 transactions per year. This group of agents is likely to be interested in new opportunities, but may not be actively looking for them.

To attract these agents, the real estate recruiting partnership program uses a range of tactics. The program includes weekly email flyers that detail your brokerage’s offering, with a clear call to action (such as a “Learn More” button) that sends interested agents to your website. These emails are carefully crafted to highlight the unique selling points of your brokerage and show why it is a great place to work.

When agents click the CTA button in the email, immediately follows up with a personalized call. During this call, listens carefully to the agent’s needs and pain points, and pitches what your brokerage has to offer. This personal touch is critical to building a relationship with the agent and showing that you are genuinely interested in their needs and goals.

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If the agent is interested in learning more, continues to nurture the relationship through calls and emails until the agent is ready to schedule a meeting with your brokerage. Once the agent is ready, provides a warm hand-off and introduction to your team, so you can close the deal and bring the agent on board.

One of the most innovative aspects of the real estate recruiting partnership program is its pricing model. The program charges on a per-transaction basis, with a fee of $100 per transaction for any agent that is recruited through the program and joins your brokerage for the first year. This pricing model is unique in the industry and incentivizes to help you attract high-quality candidates who are likely to be successful in their roles at your brokerage. At the same time, the pricing model allows you to control your costs and only pay for successful recruitment outcomes.

So, why should you consider the real estate recruiting partnership program for your brokerage? There are a few key reasons. First, the program offers a personalized and targeted approach to recruitment that is designed to attract high-quality agents who are a great fit for your brokerage. By focusing on agents who are already active in the market, the program can help you tap into a pool of candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities.

Second, the program is designed to build relationships with potential recruits and show them why your brokerage is the best place to work. The weekly email flyers and personalized calls allow you to showcase your brokerage’s unique selling points and demonstrate why agents should choose to work with you.

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Finally, the real estate recruiting partnership program offers a unique pricing model that aligns with your interests. By charging on a per-transaction basis, the program ensures that is motivated to help you attract high-quality candidates who are likely to be successful at your brokerage. At the same time, the pricing model allows you to control your costs and only pay for successful outcomes.


In conclusion, the real estate recruiting partnership program is a unique and effective way to recruit talented and motivated real estate agents for your brokerage. By targeting agents who are already active in the market and using a personalized approach to build relationships with them, the program can help you attract high-quality candidates who are a great fit for your team. Moreover, the program’s innovative pricing model ensures that you only pay for successful recruitment outcomes, while also incentivizing to help you attract the best candidates. If you’re looking to take your real estate brokerage to the next level, the real estate recruiting partnership program is definitely worth considering.

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