The Best Ways To Generate Real Estate Seller Leads In 2023

Seller Leads

If you work in Real Estate, you’ve probably come to the realize you NEED seller leads to become a top producer.

Then, once you get your foot in the door, you’re going to need a rock-solid listing presentation if you want even a slight chance of getting the listing.

Even for experienced agents with a few dozen sales under their belt, getting seller leads can be an uphill battle. Getting good seller leads is even more difficult.

In order to make your transition from buyer’s agent to listing agent a little bit smoother, I’ve put together a list of foolproof ways to get real estate seller leads in 2023.

Real Estate Seller Leads

Here are some of the best ways to get more real estate seller leads:

1. Join a Team With Well-known Listing Agents

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

If you work in or near a reasonably sized city, chances are there are a handful of listing agents who are literally making millions doing exactly what you do. Helping people buy and sell houses.

So what keeps you from joining them and retiring at 50 to a Tahitian island? Not as much as you might think. First and foremost, there is a 100% chance they have more experience than you do. Other than that, they have a circle of wealthy or influential clients who continually feed them great leads before any other agents have the chance to snap them up.

While you can’t rush experience, you can give yourself a huge head start by avoiding the expensive trial and error every agent faces and get introduced to an inner circle of wealthy buyers and sellers you would never meet on your own.

In order to get there this century, joining an established team with superstar listing agents is one great way to do it. Sure, you might be working buyers for a while, but if you hang in, you’ll learn invaluable secrets from the best of the best in your farm area.

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

So what are you waiting for? Check out who’s #1 in your city on the Real Trends ranking and reach out.

2. Drive Traffic to Home Valuation Landing Pages

Since generating top-of-the-funnel seller leads will more than double your chances of snagging a listing, the earlier you can get seller leads into your customer relationship management (CRM) software, the better. That’s an unavoidable fact of lead generation.

In 2023, the best way to generate top-of-the-funnel seller leads online is to drive traffic to home valuation landing pages. Of course, the learning curve here can be steep. Getting low cost-per-click from social media ads and designing landing pages from scratch requires tech skills and a lot of trial and error.

Instead of banging your head against the wall trying to keep up with Facebook’s ad manager, you can sign up for our Seller Lead Program and get exclusive top-of-funnel seller leads, in any market, without the headaches.

Done-for-You Seller Lead Generation

We also offer done-for-you seller lead generation that lets you just sit back and collect seller leads. We handle everything from creating, running, and continuously optimizing social ads to helping nurture your seller leads.

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See How We Get You REAL Results.

SEM – Unlock massive amounts of traffic with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) using a combined SEO/PPC strategies with clear ROI. See REAL Results

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SOCIAL / EMAIL – our team creates epic content that will get shared, get links, and attract traffic back to your website for lead generation.

CRM – Tie all of your marketing efforts together, track your contacts across all channels, automate follow-up, and measure REAL results.

Fully Integrated CRM, IDX Website

If you want an even more sophisticated seller lead generation system, BoldLeads is now fully integrated into Propertybase, an industry-leading CRM, IDX website, and lead generation system.

To learn more about getting exclusive seller leads, visit the BoldLeads website or check out our in-depth review of Propertybase here if you want a more robust lead generation and marketing platform.

3. Work Your Sphere to Find Seller Leads in Your Own CRM

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

Your personal sphere of influence is the richest seller lead resource a real estate agent has. It pays to spend some time here, because 63% of all sellers find their agent through their sphere.

Since you’ve already got some sort of relationship with these people, you can skip the cold outreach tactics and start straight in on strengthening your existing relationship and nudging people toward becoming clients.

Set up regular communication plans with everyone you know, even if it is just once a year, to remind them of your services, your value, and your availability. Sellers want to work with someone they know; it should be you!

4. Use Hyper-local Marketing To Become the Mayor of Your Farm Area

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

One underappreciated way to get real estate seller leads is to become the digital mayor of your farm area. One great way to do it is to develop relationships with local influencers who will then become evangelists for your business.

No, we’re not suggesting you go out for drinks with the local equivalent of Kim Kardashian! Instead, you should work to develop relationships to local business owners. Why local business owners? Simple. They know everyone and new people moving to your farm want to know them.

You can always go out and talk to and interview local business owners for your blog or social media to build tons of local content for your leads. Or, you can use the system that Parkbench already designed to help automate the process and give you a five-year head start.

5. Help Distressed Homeowners

Reaching hand

No matter how good the market is, there are always homeowners who fall behind on payments. In some cases, they are able to recover from their situation by getting caught up on payments or negotiating a loan modification, but in most cases, they will have to sell the home to avoid foreclosure. That’s why working distressed properties can be a great way to get listings in any market.

6. Create an Action-Plan For Lead Nurturing & Then Automate it

LionDesk Real Estate Lead Assist

Since even the hottest seller leads can take months to convert, successful listing agents create action plans to nurture them for the long haul. Once they have a plan that works, they automate as much as they can. This makes your leads feel like you are devoting time, energy, and interest to their needs even when you’re busy drumming up new business. 

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Here’s a quick example of a nurturing action plan:

  • Text message: Once per week 
  • Market update call: Every two weeks 
  • Coffee meetup: Once per month 

Using an affordable Real Estate CRM like iMax CRM, you can easily automate market analysis drips, birthday and holiday texts, meeting invites, and more. LionDesk also has an AI assistant, autodialer, and click-to-call features, so you won’t get bogged down with busy work.

7. Be the Local Expert in Targeted Social Media Communities of Verified Homeowners

If you’re having trouble generating seller leads through social media, you’re not alone.

Stop selling and start helping on social media. Sounds easy, right? Well, it’s not.

There’s a big problem no one talks about: Finding verified homeowners who need your help when they need it is nearly impossible on social media today. There’s just too many random people. Too much noise.

8. Convert Rental Leads

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

Converting rental leads has become a viable seller lead generation strategy for agents all over the country. Once you look at demographic shifts, it’s easy to see why. First, more people are renting now than ever before, and second, developers are building more and more high-end rentals outside of larger cities.

Rentals are a good lead for potential sales. Provide information to the homeowner regarding the true value of their house in the current market and advise them how to get the most for their home.

9. Get Over Your Fear of Cold Calling Expireds & FSBO

Get Over Your Fear quotes

While many people tend to avoid phone calls as if they were actually allergic to them, the fact remains that the personal connection made on the phone is equal to 10 postcards or emails. It’s simple really—human beings are conditioned to both remember and have a reaction to interpersonal communication.

The opposite is true for pretty much all other mediums. Emails are almost designed to be ignored, as are ads on social media and social media posts themselves. Ditto for pretty much any content you create and post online. There’s just too many distractions that compete for their attention.

Text messages and direct messages (DMs) on social media do a little bit better, but they still can’t hold a candle to a phone call.

So when you’re planning out your lead generation and nurturing campaigns to get and convert seller leads, make sure you plan in regular phone calls. That means setting aside a few hours each day to cold call, as well as regularly picking up the phone and calling former clients.

Pro tip: If you want to start taking cold calling seriously, you’re going to need a great source of leads and an auto-dialer to go with them. We recommend REDX.

10. Work Open Houses

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

Although many agents tend to ignore them, open houses can be an excellent place to find seller leads. Yes, you’ll get the inevitable parade of tire kickers and curious neighbors, but you’ll also get serious sellers checking out the competition to see what their home might sell for. This makes perfect sense as every buyer thinks they’re going to be a real estate expert these days, and what better way to become an expert than checking out listings in person?

Open houses can be an especially fertile source for seller leads in more affluent neighborhoods, as most residents never even see their neighbors’ driveway—let alone their living rooms.

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11. Create Postcard Campaigns for Your Sphere & Farm

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

Who doesn’t love getting something personal in their otherwise dreary pile of bills and coupons? I know I do. Well, chances are your former clients and the rest of your sphere do too. Why not incorporate postcards into your nurturing campaigns and give them what they want?

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. Just send out heartfelt messages wishing them a happy birthday, a Merry Christmas, or a postcard with a pretty picture just to say hello. After all, you never know when that postcard is going to end up on their refrigerator and stay there for months or even years.

Think about it: They have friends over relaxing in the kitchen and one of them spots your postcard on the fridge and asks about it. What will your former client say? If they liked you, why wouldn’t they recommend you? Congratulations. You might have just picked up a seller lead for 50 cents.

Pro Tip: Take your real estate farming to the next level with a predictive analytics tool like Offrs.

Work With Real Estate Investors & House Flippers

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

If you’re working in a reasonably sized city, chances are there are dozens of investors and house flippers buying, renovating, and selling houses every day. What most people don’t realize is that investors weren’t born yesterday. They know that their best chance to get top dollar for their listing is to hire a listing agent to aggressively market the property.

Why shouldn’t that listing agent be you? If you have local expertise, marketing chops, and enough experience to get them great prices, then you can set yourself up with a steady supply of listings to close every month.

Publish Authoritative Content That Educates Sellers on Social Media

Real World Strategies to Get More Real Estate Seller Leads in 2019

Since we live in what seems like the golden age of do-it-yourself (DIY) culture, people are heading online to research pretty much every decision they make. Want to buy a rice cooker? Well, there’s entire Reddit threads and Facebook Groups dedicated to rice cookers. There’s also dozens of long-form articles rating every possible detail of the most popular cookers.

If people are going that deep to choose a $99 appliance that cooks rice, then you can be sure people are doing some heavy-duty research on best practices for selling their home. This is a great opportunity to show off your expertise and get your phone to ring.

Since they’re going to read articles on curb appeal, showings, pricing, and a million other aspects of selling a home, why shouldn’t they read your articles? The trick is to write easy-to-follow, informative articles on the selling process and then post them on social media.


LinkedIn is a great place to post them as Facebook tends to be a bit oversaturated with agents. If you do post your informative articles on Facebook, spending $10 or so every few days to boost them can pay off massively. All you need is one person to read your article and pick up the phone.

Over to You

Have a great strategy for getting real estate listings that we missed? Let me know in the comments. Still

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