Real Estate SEO Tips For Blogging

Here are some Real Estate SEO Tips and Tricks I’ve learned over the years that will help you get more page to your views to your Real Estate Blog.

Real Estate SEO Tips For Blogging

Page Views stats

I have been at the helm of this real estate blog and for years and have amassed just over 110,000 subscribers to my almost-daily email newsletter. I presume out subscribers to be mostly Real Estate Agents since my posts are primarily related to Real Estate Marketing.

If you put time into thinking about what your audience wants to read and create content to that, then you have a solid foundation.

In terms of writing for your Real Estate Blog then you should consider your audience, geography, niche, and theme.

Your real estate blog doesn’t have to be everything to everybody – so focus on your local market and provide helpful, useful, well thought-out information to your Hyper-Local Digital Farm.

Here’s a great example of a Local Real Estate Blog:

Here are my top Real Estate SEO Tips for Blogging

Write 3 Different Versions of Your Headline & Pick the Best One

The headline is by far the most important element of your blog post. It’s the first and sometimes only thing your audience will see before they decide to click on it and read it. So take the time to learn how to write headlines that get clicks. Here are some simple formulas you can use.

I just wrote three blog headings for this article:

Real Estate Blogging Tips for SEO
SEO Tips For Real Estate Blogging
Real Estate SEO Tips For Blogging

See also  Hyper-Local Real Estate Blog Post Ideas

Use H2 Headings to Break Up Your Posts Into Bite-sized Chunks

Since your readers are busy, do them a favor and break up your blog posts into bite-sized chunks using H2 subheadings. Most people are going to skim your posts anyway. Make it easy for them. Using H2, H3, and H4 subheadings is also a best practice for real estate SEO.

Include Links to Other Related Blog Posts

This will not only help your reader quickly get to related posts, but will help Google crawl your site and might help you rank better.

Do Keyword Research to Find Out What Your Audience Is Searching for on Google

If you want a chance of ranking your blog posts on Google, you need to research what keywords your audience is searching for. You can start by checking out some other successful real estate blogs in your farm area. Which articles do you think are most helpful for buyers and sellers? If you want to get serious and do professional keyword research, check out our in-depth guide below.

Use Descriptive Language & Write Short Sentences & Paragraphs

Long paragraphs are like homework, and you have about 10 seconds to capture your reader’s attention before they click back over to Facebook. Worse, they take forever to scroll through on mobile.

Read Your Writing Out Loud Before Hitting Publish

Editing your own writing can be tricky, but one way to make it easier is to read your entire post out loud and see if you stumble. If you can read through it without stumbling, then chances are so will your readers.

See also  Mobile-Friendliness in Website Redesign

The Most Important of ALL Real Estate SEO Tips: Always Put the Reader First

Always put your reader first. Make sure to focus on their needs and experience rather than search engine optimization (SEO), selling, trying to sound clever, or anything else. Always remember your blog is for your readers, not to stroke your ego!

Real Estate SEO Tips: Conclusion

Do you have any tips that have worked well for your real estate blog? Let us know in the comments!

Here are some ideas for viral real estate blog ideas

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