Recruiting: Attracting and Partnering with Smart Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agent Recruiting

In the world of real estate brokerage, the terms “recruiting and retention” have long been the standard approach for attracting and keeping agents. However, as the industry evolves and today’s agents become increasingly savvy and independent, it may be time for a paradigm shift.

Many traditional brokerages still use outdated methods for recruiting, such as generic handouts and impersonal email campaigns. These approaches fail to differentiate them from their competitors and do not resonate with agents on an emotional level. Similarly, the term “recruiting” can conjure images of herding or possession, creating a negative perception.

Instead, a more effective approach is to use language that emphasizes partnership and attraction. Words such as “invitation,” “partnering with,” “investing in,” “advisors,” “professionals,” and “talent” convey a sense of respect and professionalism. These words are more appealing to agents and reflect the individuality and personalization they seek.

Moreover, the role of brokerage has shifted in recent years. Today’s agents are often considered the premier brand, with brokerage serving as the ingredient brand. As such, brokerages should focus on understanding the needs of their agents and conveying the value they provide. “Recruiting and retention” do not align with this truth and may hinder a brokerage’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

To create conversations that resonate with agents and attract top talent, brokerages must adopt new behaviors, practices, and speech. This includes developing a clear process and documentation for recruiting, offering support and accountability measures, and training managers to speak the language of attraction and partnership.

See also  How To Recruit Top Producing Real Estate Agents

Conclusion: Recruiting Attract and Retain

In conclusion, the power of words cannot be underestimated in the world of real estate brokerage. By shifting the language and approach to focus on attraction and partnership, brokerages can create conversations that were not happening before and attract agents who were previously beyond their reach.

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