Scripts For Real Estate Leads: Calling & Converting in 2023

Real Estate Lead Calling Scripts

When you’re calling real estate leads, how many times have you been hung up on? Here are the best scripts for calling real estate leads, that work!

How many times have you heard “Where did you get my number?” or “I didn’t ask for anyone to call me!” Getting hung up on or dealing with objections like these might make you give up on cold calling.

Even worse – if you’re a broker or busy agent handing these leads to an ISA or agents enrolled in a brokerage real estate lead generation program; if you don’t have a good script for them to use – a system to work – negative responses will lower morale.

Here are some simple real estate calling scripts that our Realtor/broker clients have been using for years to rebut the objections that lead to most hang-ups. The key is to strike first. Read the line from your real estate calling scripts before the objection even comes up!

Of course, different leads require different strategies. Mainly, you should consider the source of the lead and use the appropriate real estate calling scripts.

Do you have any ideas of your own? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

1. Building Rapport Quickly With Zillow Leads

Zillow Leads - Listings agents and Premier agents

By whatever metric you choose to compare the major lead generation players, Zillow dominates in real estate lead generation. Anyone who has even thought about buying a home has probably visited Zillow. Furthermore, any member of the internet-using population has likely visited

Remember, your average consumer doens’t get IDX and cooperating broker compensation. Most average consumer leads coming from Zillow expect that the agent on the listing is the listing agent of a property.

Most leads from Zillow are looking for something specific and very likely just want to talk with the listing agent. They are generally put off to find out you’re a buyers agent. Their friends all give them the advice:

Go directly to the listing agent, you’ll get a better deal.

Furthermore, the average Zillow lead has the potential of getting up to three phone calls?

This is why, “speed to lead,” is so profoundly important for Zillow leads.

Here’s how to address a real estate lead’s objection with these real estate calling scripts:

Identify with the lead’s problem and be prepared for the two most common objections they will have: “I’m not really looking” and “I only want to work with the listing agent.”

Here are example real estate calling scripts for your opening line to get as much info as possible without even talking about the home they registered for.

Real estate calling scripts for the objection: “I’m not really looking.”

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I see you were on Zillow and requested information about 123 Main Street. What was it about that home that interested you?

Lead: It was near my mother’s home and in the perfect location.

Agent: Oh great, while I am looking for more information on the home, let me ask. How long have you been looking?

Lead: We were not really looking, I just saw this home and was thinking about it if it worked out.

Agent: Great, so do you rent or own currently?

Lead: Rent.

Agent: Are you in a lease term or month to month?

Lead: Month to month.

Agent: So if you found the perfect home, you could move at any time? Let me ask you, what would have to happen to make a move possible?

Don’t say “that home is already under contract.” If you do that, they will have no reason to continue the conversation with you.

Do: Use th real estate calling scripts above and dig HARD into their situation. Empathize and build rapport quickly by showing understanding for their situation.

Here are the real estate calling scripts to handle the “I want to work with the listing agent” objection. This one is most common cause for a hang-up with many agents. If you’re going to get hung up on, it’s usually going to happen after this objection.

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I see you were on Zillow and requested information about 123 Main Street. What was it about that home that interested you?

Lead: Are you the listing agent?

Agent: No, I am not. Why is that important to you?

Lead: They know more about the house and I can get a better deal working with them directly.

Agent: I totally understand what you are saying. Just a quick question. Do you know that the agent was hired by the seller to make them the most amount of money? And that is a conflict of interest for them to save you the most amount of money and protect you from anything that does not require them to disclose?

Of course, this is not how the conversation ends. You will probably get one of two responses to this question:

Option 1:

Lead: Yes, that is fine, I have bought before. I don’t need an agent, I can do this myself.

Agent: So if you were going through a divorce, you would be OK using the same attorney?

Option 2:

Lead: Oh, I knew something of that but didn’t realize this, no.

Agent: Well, it’s my job to not only save you the most amount of money, but to protect your future investment. What is it exactly about this home that you wanted to know?

Note: Zillow Leads Require Multiple Call Attempts. Keep your real estate calling scripts handy, and call the lead back frequently until you connect.

Success in real estate comes from being be a little bit better than your competition. R eal estate calling scrips help, but if you have trouble getting people on the phone, they are of no use to you.

Therefore, when the speed-to-lead approach doesn’t work – i.e. they don’t answer the phone – keep trying. Speed to lead still counts, so stay consistent with multiple call attempts. This is the single most important factor in converting Zillow leads to customers.

If you’re to training a real estate ISA the rule should be to make a minimum of six to eight call attempts within two weeks. This is how you beat your competition. This consistency will greatly increase your chances of having a conversation. Meanwhile, the other agent lost becausethey tried once, maybe twice, and then they gave up. Real estate is a numbers game! The more calls you make the more deals you close.

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2. Using calling scripts for for real estate leads

When you’re calling real estate leads, how many times have you been hung up on? Here are the best scripts for calling real estate leads, that work!

How many times have you heard “Where did you get my number?” or “I didn’t ask for anyone to call me!” Getting hung up on or dealing with objections like these might make you give up on cold calling.

Even worse – if you’re a broker or busy agent handing these leads to an ISA or agents enrolled in a brokerage real estate lead generation program; if you don’t have a good script for them to use – a system to work – negative responses will lower morale.

Here are some simple real estate calling scripts that our Realtor/broker clients have been using for years to rebut the objections that lead to most hang-ups. The key is to strike first. Read the line from your real estate calling scripts before the objection even comes up!

Of course, different leads require different strategies. Mainly, you should consider the source of the lead and use the appropriate real estate calling scripts.

Do you have any ideas of your own? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

1. Building Rapport Quickly With Zillow Leads

Zillow Leads - Listings agents and Premier agents

By whatever metric you choose to compare the major lead generation players, Zillow dominates in real estate lead generation. Anyone who has even thought about buying a home has probably visited Zillow. Furthermore, any member of the internet-using population has likely visited

Remember, your average consumer doens’t get IDX and cooperating broker compensation. Most average consumer leads coming from Zillow expect that the agent on the listing is the listing agent of a property.

Most leads from Zillow are looking for something specific and very likely just want to talk with the listing agent. They are generally put off to find out you’re a buyers agent. Their friends all give them the advice:

Go directly to the listing agent, you’ll get a better deal.

Furthermore, the average Zillow lead has the potential of getting up to three phone calls?

This is why, “speed to lead,” is so profoundly important for Zillow leads.

Here’s how to address a real estate lead’s objection with these real estate calling scripts:

Identify with the lead’s problem and be prepared for the two most common objections they will have: “I’m not really looking” and “I only want to work with the listing agent.”

Here are example real estate calling scripts for your opening line to get as much info as possible without even talking about the home they registered for.

Real estate calling scripts for the objection: “I’m not really looking.”

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I see you were on Zillow and requested information about 123 Main Street. What was it about that home that interested you?

Lead: It was near my mother’s home and in the perfect location.

Agent: Oh great, while I am looking for more information on the home, let me ask. How long have you been looking?

Lead: We were not really looking, I just saw this home and was thinking about it if it worked out.

Agent: Great, so do you rent or own currently?

Lead: Rent.

Agent: Are you in a lease term or month to month?

Lead: Month to month.

Agent: So if you found the perfect home, you could move at any time? Let me ask you, what would have to happen to make a move possible?

Don’t say “that home is already under contract.” If you do that, they will have no reason to continue the conversation with you.

Do: Use th real estate calling scripts above and dig HARD into their situation. Empathize and build rapport quickly by showing understanding for their situation.

Here are the real estate calling scripts to handle the “I want to work with the listing agent” objection. This one is most common cause for a hang-up with many agents. If you’re going to get hung up on, it’s usually going to happen after this objection.

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I see you were on Zillow and requested information about 123 Main Street. What was it about that home that interested you?

Lead: Are you the listing agent?

Agent: No, I am not. Why is that important to you?

Lead: They know more about the house and I can get a better deal working with them directly.

Agent: I totally understand what you are saying. Just a quick question. Do you know that the agent was hired by the seller to make them the most amount of money? And that is a conflict of interest for them to save you the most amount of money and protect you from anything that does not require them to disclose?

Of course, this is not how the conversation ends. You will probably get one of two responses to this question:

Option 1:

Lead: Yes, that is fine, I have bought before. I don’t need an agent, I can do this myself.

Agent: So if you were going through a divorce, you would be OK using the same attorney?

Option 2:

Lead: Oh, I knew something of that but didn’t realize this, no.

Agent: Well, it’s my job to not only save you the most amount of money, but to protect your future investment. What is it exactly about this home that you wanted to know?

Note: Zillow Leads Require Multiple Call Attempts. Keep your real estate calling scripts handy, and call the lead back frequently until you connect.

Success in real estate comes from being be a little bit better than your competition. R eal estate calling scrips help, but if you have trouble getting people on the phone, they are of no use to you.

Therefore, when the speed-to-lead approach doesn’t work – i.e. they don’t answer the phone – keep trying. Speed to lead still counts, so stay consistent with multiple call attempts. This is the single most important factor in converting Zillow leads to customers.

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If you’re to training a real estate ISA the rule should be to make a minimum of six to eight call attempts within two weeks. This is how you beat your competition. This consistency will greatly increase your chances of having a conversation. Meanwhile, the other agent lost becausethey tried once, maybe twice, and then they gave up.

Real estate is a numbers game! The more calls you make the more deals you close.

Scripts For Calling & Converting Google PPC Real Estate Leads

Google PPC Leads Dashboard

Leads from Google Ads (also known as PPC real estate leads, or pay-per-click real estate leads) are among the most common of real estate lead generation. These leads much like they are walking into a store and the sales clerk asks, “Is there anything I can help you with today?” In return, most patrons will respond with, “No thanks, I am good” OR “I am just looking, thank you.”

Google or any pay-per-click (PPC) leads might not always be as ready to be pounced on like a Zillow lead. Your strategy to nurture a with Google PPC Real Estate leads should be different.

As long as there is a call attempt within 4 hours, depending upon what time they register on your site, that should be acceptable.

Zillow leads require a much faster calling window because you are up against other Realtors calling these leads. Google PPC leads are all yours, and they’ve already bought into your brand, because they registered on your website.

Most PPC leads are genuinly just looking. Your main goal calling them is to simply find out where they are in the process and update your CRM accordingly.

Of course, setting an ppointment is the ultimate goal. This typically happens with 2-5 out of 100 PPC leads. However, to get results from the rest of them requires nurturing. Our iMaxCRM Real Estate CRM With Text Messaging has plenty of built-in reaty-to-go real estate lead nurturing email marketing and real estate text messaging scripts, and real estate drip text messaging, and real estate drip email marketing scripts.

So don’t get too aggressive with your real estate Google Ads PPC (Google PPC Real Estate leads) leads. Save that for Zillow leads.

The way these Google PPC real estate leads usually find you is by literally typing “homes for sale in [city]” into Google and clicking on whatever comes up.

The first to start a conversation wins.

Keep this in mind when you’re calling these leads who are “just looking.” Remember, they are likely also in in several of your competitors’ databases. Which real estate agent in your market is going to be the first to start that conversation?

Now that you understand where they are coming from, it makes talking to them so much easier. Here’s a quick opening script as an example to use with Google PPC Real Estate leads:

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I saw you were online looking at homes in [city] and wondered what your future plans are, or what you may be looking for.

The reason this opening line works so well is that it’s a laid-back approach. This helps drop their defenses of not wanting to be sold to. It’s quick and to the point. It also leaves less room for an immediate objection because you are directly identifying the fact they were searching online for homes … which they were! This is the first phase of breaking through with Google leads, dropping their defenses, and building rapport.

3. Quickly building a relationship with With Leads

Building Rapport Quickly With Leads

Leads from can be in myriad situations. Browsing, wanting more information on a particular property, or wanting to tour a home.—and don’t forget the liars!, “I wasn’t looking for homes online!!

Just like Google PPC leads, always frame your opening question with how they were routed into your CRM. One of our Scripts For Real Estate Leads to use as your opening line, that we know works for this scenario is:

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I saw you were on [ / Trulia / and so forth] looking at homes in [city] and wondered what your future plans are, or what you may be looking for.

Don’t worry about putting much focus on the name of your website or the company you work for. Most leads will remember registering on at least one website, but might not remember every site they registered with. These leads have been web surfing in so many places so they probably don’t remember the exact sites they registered or didn’t register for. Instead, what really matters are the questions you ask finding out where they are in the process to gain a sense of urgency.

Finding the lead’s intention, urgency, and current situation is paramount to converting these leads into customers as well as building your pipeline of future business.

4. Real Estate Calling Scripts That Quickly Build Relationships With Facebook Real Estate Leads

Facebook ad leads

Facebook ad leads—like Zillow leads, we either love them or hate them. When everyone first started with Facebook ads, they were pretty much only advertising listings to make the sellers happy.

You’ll also find with Facebook Ads for Real Estate Listings that your seller will likely share your post with everyone in their family, extended family, and friends. This typically leads to a ton of inquiries. Of course, most of these are going to be people that are just curious, and wanting to see photos. This is still good for brand recognition and building your overall real estate CRM database size.

You’ll likely get a lot of leads from your real estate listing facebook ads, from all over the country, most of whom have no real plans for moving. That meant a lot of phone calls. It’s important to make these calls, but expect the conversation to be different to that of Zillow real estate leads.

Understanding your market dynamics and be the solution to the problem your leads have will produce higher quality leads.

Here are a few Facebook real estate ad headlines that will generate actual leads – not just generate a list of random people from everywhere:

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Get the hottest list of homes in [city] under $____ here Get a list of new construction homes here

Waterfront homes for sale in [your farm area]

Make sure you are always using headlines that grab attention. Upon choosing your audience, target their interests. This will result in a higher-quality real estate lead. Remember, Facebook leads for real estate will have a longer turnaround time. Speed to lead is less of an issue for Facebook leads.

Of course, when you call Facebook Real Estate Leads, you should still always remind them that they were on Facebook and clicked on an ad that indicated they were interested in receiving a list of homes.

REMEMBER! Ask what specifically they would be interested in with respect to location.

Here’s one of our best real estate calling scripts for Facebook leads:

Agent: Hey [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I see you were on Facebook and were looking to receive a list of homes [ad specific]. Just wondering what exactly you would be most interested in; is there anything in particular that would interest you more?

Lead: I just want the list of homes. I am not seriously looking yet.

Agent: OK, great, not a problem. I can certainly do that. Let me ask you, what would be the reason for a move if you were to move in the future?

Lead: We have been thinking about downsizing.

Agent: Great, how long have you been in your home?

Lead: 20 years.

Agent: That is wonderful, so you probably have some great equity?

Lead: Yeah, our home is just about paid off. Not sure we want to get into a mortgage.

Agent: If it would be possible to trade homes and little or no mortgage, would you consider moving sooner than later?

Lead: I suppose so.

Agent: Would it be helpful to just look at numbers? No obligation. I can come out and tell you what a buyer would pay for your home in today’s market. Then we have a solid number that will allow us to see what is out there within those numbers and see what happens.

You have just taken a lead that “wasn’t that serious” and by digging a little deeper, were able to turn it around to an appointment. Will this work with every lead? Of course not. However, if you want a chance of converting any leads, you need to always be thinking about solving their problem. The first step is to equip yourself with the right questions to identify their problem. The next step is to propose your solution to that problem. Simple!

5. Converting Real Estate Seller Leads

Real Geeks home valuation landing page

Seller Lead Generation: Home Valuation Landing Page For Real Estate Seller Leads

If you’ve had any experience with home valuation landing pages, then you’ll know that the person requesting the valuation won’t necessarily own the home they are looking to get an valuation on.

Furthermore, most of these leads are more curious about the value of the homes for the purpose of refinancing rather than actually selling.

However; these leads are great because you are building a database of home owners – who will one day be selling.

These type of leads are longer term. Consider the average holding period for homes in your market – 5 years, 7 years.

Have a database of 5000 homeowners in a market where houses change homes on average every 5 years gives you the contact information for the sellers behind 1000 sales per year.

My best advice for new agents is this: You are in the data industry. Your real estate CRM database is the biggest asset you have.. Contacts = contracts.

Here are our real estate calling scripts to convert real estate leads from Home Valuation Landing Pages:

Option 1:

Agent: Hello [first name]?

Lead: Yes?

Agent: I saw you were online and were curious about the value of the home on 123 Main Street.

Lead: Yes, I was.

Agent: Did you find what you were looking for?

Lead: Pretty much. I was just talking with my neighbor and we were just discussing our neighborhood and a home that has gone up for sale, and we were wondering what our homes were worth.

Agent: Were you happy with the number?

Lead: Yes, for the most part.

Agent: I just wanted you to know that what you received is very general number and more than likely a pretty broad range. How long have you been in your home?

Lead: 10 years.

Agent: Are you thinking about maybe selling and making a move?

Lead: No, not until our kids graduate school and our youngest is 13, so we have at least five years.

Agent: Just wondering—do you think there would be anything that could happen that would make you move sooner?

Lead: Very doubtful, as our next home will be our last home and will probably be near the water somewhere.

You could also run into the situation that they were looking at the value of a home they were interested in purchasing that may be a FSBO or former childhood home. This is why I always open up with the next option:

Option 2:

Agent: I saw you were online and were curious about the value of the home on 123 Main Street.

Lead: Yeah, I drove by the home and saw a sign in the yard, but couldn’t find it online.

Agent: What is it about this home that interests you?

Lead: I pass it every day going to work and it is so much closer for me. I have always liked it and was just wondering what is going on with it.

Agent: I can certainly find out for you. Are you looking to make a move closer to work?

Lead: No, I just saw this home and was curious.

Agent: Is there a price range of interest? If there would be something we could make happen for you, would you be interested in exploring or potentially making a move?

If you can get the conversation this far then you’ll have a great indication of time frame – update your real estate CRM accordingly.

Remember, You can’t make people move—but you can plant some seeds that may put ideas in their head.

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