Seller Lead Text Message Scripts

phone with text messages on screen

Email is great, but everyone reads their text messages. I’ve compiled for you some of the most effective real estate seller lead text message scripts for you to send in addition to some other information.

Even if you call a real estate seller lead the moment they have submitted their information on your website or real estate seller leads ad doesn’t guarantee they are available or want to take a phone call at that time.

Real Estate Seller Lead Script Scenario

Here is a typical scenario upon receipt of a new seller lead from your website, and how you might integrate these seller lead text message scripts into your CRM seller lead nurturing follow-up campaign

  1. Lead Comes In
  2. Call Lead (No Answer)
  3. Email CMA Report
  4. Send Real Estate Seller Lead Text Message #1

Real Estate Seller Lead Scripts

Here are 9 seller lead text message scripts that we know to garner a response:

Text #1 – What did you think of your home report from my website? Is the price what you were expecting?

Text #2 – Everyone has a price! In a perfect world, what scenario and/or price would make you want to sell your home?

Text #3 – Just wanted to ensure you got the value of your home you requested from my website. It’s important that we provide you what you requested, did you get it?

Text #4 – Your home is probably worth more than the valuation you just received from my website. Have you made any changes or upgrades to the home recently? I just want to make sure we give you the most accurate estimate possible.

Text #5 – I’m working on a more accurate home valuation for you than the automated one you just received from my website. Quick question: does your home have tile or carpet?

Text #6 – I see that you received a house value from my website. Super quick question: do you think the home value was high, low, or about what you were expecting?

Text #7 – I just received the request for your home value on my website. Working on a more detailed report for you. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the condition?

Text #8 – It’s quite possible your home is worth a lot more than the value you just received from my website. Have you by chance made any upgrades since you purchased the home?

Text #9 – Was the home value you just received from my website what you were expecting? What if I told you that it’s quite possible your home is worth much more…

See also  The Best Real Estate Marketing Companies of 2022

Seller Lead Text Message Scripts – Over to you!

Do you have a real estate crm with text messaging?

Do you have any other seller lead text message scripts that you use as part of your seller lead nurturing campaigns? Give these seller lead text message scripts a try and leave your feedback in the comments below!

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