Use A Real Estate CRM To Gain Competative Advantages

Use A Real Estate CRM To Gain Competative Advantages

Anything they can do, you can do better, with your Real Estate CRM system (customer relationship management) & Real Estate CRM tools.

Using A Real Estate CRM Can Gain You Many Competative Advatage

There are several types of real estate agents in real estate busines. If you’re in a populated market your competition is fierce.

What defines a successful agents and determines who has millions of dollars in listings a year versus those who struggle to get by?

To be a full-time real estate agent, you need to be 100 percent committed to this business. Having a Real Estate Customer Relationship Management System (Real Estate CRM System) working for you shows you’re serious about being a producer. It allows your past clients and potential clients to see that as well.

It will help you to keep organized and not let potential business fall through the cracks because you didn’t follow-up.

Here’s how to use your real estate CRM for a competitive advantage:

Put your Real Estate CRM on autopilot

When your business gets to the point you start to face some problems. Ever find it difficult to remember to give someone a call? Do you have thoughts that you were supposed to reach out to someone? Know you were supposed to follow-up with someone, but can’t emember when and why?

Having a lot of connections is great but that doesn’t do anythign for you if you don’t stay in ouch. This is why it’s imperative have a Real Estate CRM that works for you.

One of the tools you will appreciate the most is to be able to put your contacting on autopilot. The ability to place all leads, clients, past clients, referral partners and even vendors on an email and text drip campaign.

See also  What is the best real estate CRM?

Shameless plug: Check out our iMaxCRM product. iMaxCRM is a Real Estate CRM with text messaging

This makes sure no one is left untapped. Drip campaigns last can anywhere from a week to years depending on the contact type.

Take really good notes

Most CRMs will allow you to type in notes about each person and log your last conversation. Some will even record your last conversation if you’re using an auto-dialer.

This can eliminate mistakes such as asking how a deceased spouse is or mentioning children that do not exist. It will allow you to provide that personal touch that really gets you business and lets your contact know that you actually listen.

Become a paperless agent

How many of you have a binder filled with leads? Or maybe you have a filing cabinet with some pages that are yellow, some that are pink, some that are white? Do you often have filing nightmares?

You can eliminated the need for paper by keeping everything electronic.

With iMaxCRM Real Estate CRM you can access my contacts from your computer or phone, at the touch of a button with the iOS and Android Apps.

Put everyone you meet in your database. Your network equals your net worth, so it’s important that you consistently build your network.

Don’t spend time filling out forms

Some CRMs are extremely comprehensive, like iMaxCRM Real Estate CRM, and allow you to do your lead generation, customer information logging, email follow-up and even manage your website all in the same space.

This eliminates the need to retype information from database to database, which can easily cause a loss of time and a potential for errors.

See also  Seller Lead Text Message Scripts

While most agents are going from place to place for resources, you will have them all in one place.

During a real estate transaction, there are so many details that pertain to a contract. Why spend even two minutes shuffling through paperwork to find the answer?

You should have every transaction from contract to close in your CRM. Having access to anything from anywhere will save you hours of time, speed up your response time, shorten your to-do list, eliminate follow-up, and show that your’re ontop of everything all the time. Everyone appreciates a quick response.

Market your business constantly and consistenly

The biggest thing real estate agents look for are tools to market their business.

Every day you should be marketing and you should be albe to do it all from your CRM.

Every little bit counts, so anything you can do in the real estate industry to get a leg up is worth some research and potentially a little investment.

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