7 Tips for Creating a Real Estate Landing Page That Converts

The homepage of your real estate website isn’t good enough. Or, rather, it isn’t good enough at generating leads, especially leads that turn into clients! It might look great, be easy to navigate, have engaging copy, and be filled with professional branded images. But it’s still unlikely to deliver large quantities of qualified leads through the door. The majority of real estate websites fail to help agents grow their businesses because they are not designed to be fully-optimized lead generating machines.

Even many multi-million companies that sell to other businesses make the mistake of sending traffic to their homepages, with 44% of paid traffic being sent to the companies’ homepages instead of an optimized landing page. A homepage is simply the face of your brand, the place for repeat visitor or past client to begin a new home search, and a gateway to learn more about your business. That’s where a designated real estate landing page comes into play. By sending paid and/or organic traffic to specific landing pages that are both relevant and refined, you’re far more likely to compel users to provide their contact information. The trick is creating landing pages that actually convert.

Want some help in that regard? Watch for 7 top tips on creating the best real estate land pages possible. Read the full article and get more tips on creating good real estate landing pages at https://showcaseidx.com/7-tips-for-creating-a-real-estate-landing-page-that-converts/ 

About your real estate marketing coach, Kurt Uhlir Entrepreneurial marketing leader that's built and run organizations from start-up to over $500M annual revenue. He brings a unique combination of storytelling and innovation to the team, having led marketing for many brands. Kurt's a regular conference speaker and workshop leader around modern marketing tactics that actually drive sales. In addition, he has been asked to coach and advise thousands of leaders, from startup founders to the President of the United States.

Kurt is a popular and entertaining commentator and has appeared on national television shows and periodicals including the Wired, TechCrunch, Thrive Global, USA Today, Business 2 Community, WGN Radio, NBC, ABC and hundreds of other publications. Why? Because he knows how to grow successful businesses and has helped coach thousands of business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders to become high-achieving servant leaders. Follow Kurt on his personal website at http://kurtuhlir.com

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