Adding Map Search to your Site iHomefinder IDX

***Clients using Optima IDX (for sites not using WordPress) can jump ahead to 3:30 for instructions.*** Power, Gold, and Broker plans include the map search option, which provides immediate access to listings shown on a map - without requiring a search form. This video walks you through how to set up Map Search on your site.

For our Optima Express and OmniPress clients, Power, Gold Agent, and Broker plans include our Interactive Map search feature. This allows site visitors to explore properties directly on a map.

Users can further refine the search using Refine Search options and color-coded property types. Clicking on a property displays a photo, price and basic property information -- from there visitors can click through to the full listing detail page.

You can have any number of unique Map Search instances on your site. Each instance can have its own settings for default center point and zoom.

The map is responsive and will fit to the available column width if no width value is specified in the shortcode.

Screenshot of Map Search

Embedding Map Search into Your WordPress Page

The simplest way to add the shortcode to a page is by using the Shortcode Selector - you can configure all parameters using a form that will insert the shortcode in your page or post.

You can embed the map search manually into your pages and posts by utilizing the following short code:


The map search will fit to the available column width, but for custom sizing use the  width= height= parameters.


Setting the Default Map Location

You can have any number of Map Search instances on your site, and each instance can have different settings, allowing you to specify a different default center point and zoom level for each map search by including ’ and ‘zoom=’. Here is an example of this shortcode being used with a centerpoint at iHomefinder headquarters:

[optima_express_map_search address="1900 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA"  zoom=13]


Using the zoom level: This map supports zoom levels between 7 – 20, 7 being zoomed out far enough to view a few cities and 20 being zoomed in close enough that you only see one house on the map.

If zoom level and centerpoint address aren’t specified, the values in your IDX Control Panel under Setup > Search Settings > Map Search will be used.

After you make changes to zoom and centerpoint address you may need to clear your browser cache to see the changes reflected on the map.

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