Adding Markets (Saved Searches) iHomefinder IDX

This video is for clients who do not have MarketBoost. If you have MarketBoost, please refer to our video "Creating Markets in MarketBoost". Markets are used to display galleries of listings on your site that match the search criteria you choose - including Advanced Search criteria. You can even draw on a map to define a Market location in Power and Broker plans.

Adding Markets (Saved Searches) - for Clients without MarketBoost

This article is for clients who do not have MarketBoost. If you have MarketBoost in your Optima IDX account, please go to our article Creating Markets in MarketBoost. For all MarketBoost related content, visit our MarketBoost Setup Guide.

Markets (also known as Saved Searches/Hot Sheets) allow you to setup pages that showcase listings based on criteria you select. For instance, you may wish to link to a page on your website showing waterfront properties in a certain town.

To build a Market, log into the IDX Control Panel and navigate to Listings > Markets and click the "Add a Market" button.

Fill out the form, entering all required fields, select a search type and enter search criteria. MLS IDs for specific listings can also be entered as criteria for a Market. Click "Save" when finished.

Please note that advanced search options are only available for the House/Condo property type.

Draw a location: Power, Gold Agent, and Broker plans using responsive design can use the Polygon option to draw a custom shape on a map to define a Market location. If you're using the responsive version of Optima IDX, click here to learn more.

NOTE: Any or all property types you choose can be included in Markets created using the Polygon option!

Watch How To Add Markets

Display Markets On Your Site
Once a Market is created, the listings can be displayed a few different ways:

  • Link directly to a Market page
  • Link to an index page listing all Market pages (this page is created automatically - the link is listed with your other IDX pages in your Control Panel)
  • Display in a Property Gallery Slider (animated slider gallery)
  • Display in a sidebar Property Gallery widget

After setting up a Market, you can apply custom branding to the page by clicking the Branding link on the main Saved Search page within the Control Panel. If you or your web designer have applied global branding to your IDX pages, the header or footer branding in the Saved Search page will overwrite the global branding.

Watch How To Display Markets On Your Site in Optima IDX (Clients not using WordPress)


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