Adding Your Branding to Email Alerts in Optima Express and OmniPress Websites iHomefinder IDX

All iHomefinder accounts send listing email alerts to your subscribers. Learn how to apply your branding to these email alerts.

Please note: This is for Optima Express and Omnipress (WordPress IDX) only. Email branding for Optima IDX (IDX for HTML Websites) is configured through the Client Control Panel.

Email alerts nurture your buyer and seller leads, keeping them informed about new listings that meet their selected search criteria. Sold listings are also included where available.

Each new listing alert sent to your subscribers is an opportunity to reinforce your brand, so make sure you add your logo, photo and business information to these emails.

TIP: We recommend creating a test subscriber in your account with your own email address in order to see what your email alerts look like after you've applied your branding.

Adding Basic Branding

Here's how to quickly add responsive branding to email alerts:

1) Navigate in the WordPress Dashboard to Optima Express > Email Branding.

2) Select the Basic Branding option.

3) Upload a photo and logo to be included on your emails. When uploading a photo, make sure the URL of the image is added to the text field when clicking Insert Into Post.

4) Add your name, company name, address and contact information. If these fields are left blank, the default information entered for your account will be used.

5) Once completed, select Save Changes.

OE Email Branding Screenshot

Adding Custom Branding

The custom option enables you or your developer to use custom HTML for your email alert branding. Your custom HTML should be responsive in order for the email display to adjust for different screen sizes.

1) In your WP dashboard, select Optima Express > Email Branding and choose Custom.

2) Add HTML code for the header and footer of the email updates. The content of the emails will be included between the header and footer.

3) Once completed, select Save Changes.

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