Agent-Branded Email Alerts in Broker Plans iHomefinder IDX

Applying Agent Branding to Emails in Broker Plans

Each agent within a Broker plan has access to their own email marketing system to stay top-of-mind with their leads using the following automated email content:

  • Listing alert emails
  • MarketBoost emails

3 types of emails are sent for each Market (saved search) created in Broker plans with MarketBoost:

  • Monthly Market reports
  • Weekly Open Homes listings
  • Daily alerts for new listings, sold listings and price changes

All of these emails include a customizable header to add an agent's personal branding. This header will appear below the Brokerage branding and above the content of the email.

Here's how to create or edit the header for an agent:

  1. Access your IDX Control Panel
  2. Navigate to Setup > Agents & Offices > Agents
  3. Open the settings for the agent
  4. Open the Agent Lead Capture Settings section
  5. Enter the HTML or text in the "Agent-Specific Email Update Header" field.

Agents can also modify their own header. To enable this option, set the "Allow Agent To Manage Leads Receiving Email Updates" setting to Yes.

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