How to Launch a Successful PPC Campaign For The First Time

Read the blog article here: Schedule a Free Consultation Here: As a business owner, you have a ton of options when it comes to marketing your business. Many of the options cost little more than time (like content marketing or SEO) and are still affordable even if outsourced. Despite the cost-effective option of search optimization, over 70% of business owners in a 2013 survey preferred to cast their budgets toward PPC campaigns. That’s not really surprising when you consider that 64.6% of consumers click on Google ads when they’re shopping online. Another major driver of PPC is the immediate results that can come from it. Strategically crafted PPC campaigns provide traffic, leads, and customers almost instantly once the ads start running. An immediate return can be attractive over waiting several months for organic SEO campaigns to gain traction. But PPC campaigns are a bit more complex and require careful planning.

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