Real Estate SEO: the Ultimate Guide to Creating Hot Sheets That Rank on Google

How real estate agents boost traffic to their website over 700% (and ranked #1 on Google). This actionable guide teaches you how to drive more traffic to your business. Here’s the brutal truth about real estate SEO: Some uneducated marketers say that real estate websites are not needed today because they’ve never been able to generate traffic or create a website that their clients would use over Zillow.

There are also WAY too many Realtors, agents, and marketers that think that simply creating a hot sheet or community page with IDX is enough. If only it were that easy… If you’re serious about creating hot sheets that generate organic search traffic and getting high-quality links, you MUST be very systematic with how you create and promote your content.

Otherwise you are taking the “cooked spaghetti approach” to SEO and marketing: where you throw a bunch of stuff against a wall and hope that something sticks. Well, today, I’m going to show you a technique that almost guarantees that you’ll get high-quality links from every hot sheet that you publish. Watch to learn how…

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