ShowcaseIDX x – Real Estate SEO Websites

Stu Hill @
Hi there. So, this is Stu Hill from CHEM Digital. I've got Kurt Uhlir from showcase IDX here with me. Kurt and I just came off the backend of a virtual conference with the exp agents in the exp virtual world. I have a blog post coming online about that soon as well, if you're interested to see a little bit of the eXp virtual "eXp Worldwhich was quite fun. There, Kurt & I were discussing the benefits of showcase IDX over some of the other IDX providers that you have out there. We've also published a report on this, that Showcase IDX has had done independently, recently that compares the main IDX providers to showcase on a number of factors. Go on to explain a little bit about showcase and your value proposition and what you have to offer to real estate agents.

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
Yeah, no happy to yes, I am showcase. We provide the, the only home serves the only IDX solution that that consumers consistently choose over Zillow. So that that's a really big deal for agents that are wanting to do marketing and build their sphere of influence myself. Because if you don't have a home solution, a home search solution on your website that your consumers and clients will actually want to use, then they're going to go to Zillow. They're going to go to Redfin. They're going to go to somebody else. And you're, you know, there's going to be competitive agent in that mix. And so that's a really big thing, but from the bigger, the reason a lot of people come to us is really from an SEO perspective, the way we deliver technology in IDX, most things, the home search, not only is it something consumers want, but it's also provided in a proprietary way that it looks as natural data to, to Google. And so you're able to build the hot sheets, community pages, deliver content with the way that our technology works, that you can outrank not only Zillow, but lots of other agents that are using competitive solutions.

Stu Hill @
Right? So and in partnership with with showcase Kevin, digital's now built a website solution. It is WordPress base. It is fully owned by the agents. Since you're building content and building hot sheets, one of the ways to get traffic, or really the, the, the main way to get traffic to your real estate website, it's not targeting the sort of broad keywords. So homes for sale in Houston, the level of competition there is, is, is just enormous. And it's not detailed enough to to where you pick, picking up consumers of real quality. Those, those that know what they're looking for, tend to be searching for something like homes for sale around know in Eureka school district homes for sale around John Smith park or near John Smith park homes for sale near a specific high school, all of these sorts of long tail keywords as we call them that's while they don't maybe have 20,000 or 200,000 hits per month or impressions per month on, in, in Google they do have a couple of hundred.

Stu Hill @
And if you add up a hundred pages that are taking, you know, a hundred, 200 searches a month, you've got a significant amounts of traffic that that's really untapped. So the methodology that we use around showcase IDX is to build out these hot sheets. So we'll take a search and advanced search. So whether it's waterfront popper properties within a specific school district, whether it's homes for sale near a certain landmark and we'll build out every one of these pages now, since there's work going into SEO you can choose a least platform obviously to build your website on, there are other ones that showcase IDX integrate with, however, if you're spending money you know, you're spending resources, whether it's money time or whatever, to build our content for your website, you should really be putting that on a platform that you own.

Stu Hill @
One, because it's then an asset to your business your that you're growing number two, because if you do decide to change or have to change, because another company is going out of business you know, or change times in the future, then it's a bit of a nightmare to get content off of some of those platforms. And nine times out of 10, the link structure is going to change. So in Google or Google knows where all of your pages are. If you move from one page, one provider to another there forward slash properties might be forward slash IDX instead. And that's going to nullify all of your results that are on Google to start with. So it's a big problem later on only in your website, you can you're never going to have to change. If, if there's if you change companies, we can upgrade the look or update the look to new branding.

Stu Hill @
If you if it needs a facelift, it's just a case of tuning. What you've already got, companies like HP, Dell, et cetera. You know, they never, they never changed their website. They just updates the whole thing or a section of it. So to make it more current look and feel wise, we figure that the benchmark is sort of, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, and then Coldwell banker Williams. Everybody else has followed the same suit. These guys between them and spent hundreds of millions of dollars, figuring out how a lead generating website needs to look and function. And, and you know, these, these guys are all lead generation platforms. Realtor.Com is that to generate leads for you, that you pay a tremendous amounts of money for same thing with Zillow, where they've got this market share you can't be an agent on Zillow, but they charge you whatever fee they want to in order to retain your territory. So you get into this system where you're competing with five other agents that when you own the website, you can place outs any way you want, whether it's Facebook, whether it's on Google, Google ads, display ads, you've got all of LinkedIn, you've got all of these options available to you, and because you own it, you've got that flexibility.

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
Not only that, you know, you can get those leads from Zillow, even if you said you do have to pay for them. Not only are you competing with other agents, but establish the hyper-local expertise. So when you start to add up and you didn't build a hot sheets, the way that you guys build a bridge agents, then you know, somebody on Google, they know that I'm an expert because you're kind of endorsed by Google and way. I'm an expert by with schools at this waterfront and this school system or waterfront properties. And you're the top listing. You're the top three listings. And that's so much better than a generic, you know, lead that comes from Zillow.

Stu Hill @
You make a really good point there as well. So the quality of the leads we get asked all the time, well, you know, how good are the leads that you provide? Well, no lead is going to be a better quality than somebody that's been on your website. They've seen your name, they've seen your logo, they filled out a form and you call them, they're sort of expecting that call. If you're on and you searching around, you put your information, then Ryan from CarMax calls, you, you're not going to you're not going to be too mad at him for that. You're sort of expecting his phone call. If you put your information in there and you get calls from people at five different dealerships, which is what happens on a lot of these lead gen sites, hang on a minute, I've already had this conversation four more times or four times already.

Stu Hill @
How many more of these calls am I going to get? You don't have that brand integrity, the Verde by the time that giving you their information that they've already bought into your brand. So it's the quality of leads is much better. You know, and you only have a finite amount of time in your day. So if we can provide for you, you know, budget depending, you know, we can run ads for as many leads as you want. If you get a thousand leads that come in from whatever lead source you've paid, but 90% of them tell them, you're just not interested, then, Hey, it's a massive waste of money, but B you've just spent all that time on the phone, adding these people to your database and going through the motions of trying to call them a hundred times before they tell you that they're not interested, you're far better off spending what really works out to be less money because the platform fee is generally less.

Stu Hill @
You're putting more money into the actual advertising and the leads that are coming in are ones that, you know, you're going to work. So we see with showcase IDX a a conversion of about one in 10 visitors to a website, turning into a lead, and then somewhere within the region of gosh somewhere within the region of two to 5% of those leads actually turning into, into a customer. So if you want more customers, you need more. We just have to scale up the amount of, of traffic that's coming to the website. And we do that by continuing to build out these, these SEO pages. Well, and that's just one of the things,

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
One of the things that people get with with the showcase sites that you guys build is we have a proprietary friends and family search where nobody ever searches for a home alone. And so, you know, the people, you know, husbands or wives are trading text messages, emails around where they found this property. All of that takes place on you as an agent on your website, that's powered by showcase, built by the chem digital team. And so you're not just get, you know, the, those single lead you get, you know, if there's another, another partner in there, but also we find a lot of times, like my mother-in-law bought a condo here in Atlanta. And so she, you have gotten my wife's contact information, my contact info, my brother-in-law and potentially one or both other sisters. So not only would you have seen other influencers in there, you know, then while we weren't actively looking, you've now engaged just as you know, we've seen your name as a hyper-local expert. And so there's a way to start to build those leads instead of just getting, say, my mother-in-law Susan, you might've got five other leads as well out of that single transaction that came in and you can't get that with any other.

Stu Hill @
Right. And that's I mean, building the database is key. So when, when they start inviting, you know, you, you, you become a member of their family or extended family by, by this invite that they know who you are, is just a case of then getting them on the follow-up list. So they're involved in this, this home purchase for for their family member. Then it's important or imperative that we continue on the the marketing process to them after the fact so built into all of our website. Well, the website is the hub of absolutely everything that you do. So, so you, you can buy this service, that person information to Facebook, you can buy another service that does that, but then you've got all these disjointed technologies within our websites, B being the hub of every piece of marketing that you do, the bog, the email the social media everything's coming out from the website.

Stu Hill @
And it's drawing people back into the website, because again, we're thinking about these conversion numbers, the amount of traffic that's coming into the website, the more traffic, the more conversions, the more customers. And that, that is top of mind, always. So with with the emails that that every blog article that you write, for example, or every hop sheet that we create that automatically gets posted out to social media, we have a we have, we have a a repost system so that every so often it'll repost that content. So we can flood your social media with two to 10 posts a day. Then Gary B recognize, you know, he's, he says you should be putting 10 pieces of content out on every platform every day. You know, that it's a good, it's a good baseline for for having something different, going out at different times of the day, across all of the platforms.

Stu Hill @
So reposting these hop sheets with a link back to your website, again, just increases the traffic to the website. So month over month, we're running analytics. We're providing a report to you for the work that we're doing on SEO. So if we were committing to build 20 5,000 hot sheets a month for you, for each of these areas, we do all of the research on on what options we have available for the hot sheets. We continue to build those out, and then we'll schedule them to be posted out to your social media search with, with a cover photo and everything homes for sale in this neighborhood homes for sale in this city homes for sale in this condo building. And we can continue to post all of that stuff with, with links back, and then the stickiness of the showcase IDX pages, the you've just had a cut as well. The, the the COVID tours are really prominent on on, on the property details.

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
Yeah, there they are. And there's texts on there are different different States or different stages, and still continuing to kind of lock down and may see another wave of that. So patients can also adjust what that wording looks like, like my wife and I did a, I did a keynote in South Dakota a couple of months ago. There's, nothing's restricted there really versus Atlanta is, you know pretty open as well. But if we look in the Northeast, we look in, you know Washington state things are much more locked down and that that's that's helps agents continue to generate leads because it makes consumers feel like, Hey, you are looking out for me as well, and that they can still see,

Stu Hill @
Yeah, I mean, this, this isn't going away either. Is it? It's it's people are going to be touring homes this way. We're all working from home now. You know, this time, this time, last year, and, you know, seeing people in their home office, you know, on, on, on videos, you know, it, wasn't the Heights of professionalism. Now you can get away with your dog barking in the background, all of this. So the, the way that the the way the home tours, you know, while it's currently branded the COVID and you guys were super fast, like none of the other providers got to dropping that on there quickly. So, I mean, just the response time to some change in the market. You know, and that's what happens when you're a newer platform and responsive at the same time you quick to build onto the technology so that we've got the latest stuff the, that everybody else is scrambling for ahead of time, the, the virtual showings aren't there in a way. We're doing tons of stuff now indoor Brown

Stu Hill @
I'm back. I can hear you, we're going to edit that out. So so what, what package we've 500 bucks for the website design and development showcase IDX is gonna run you somewhere in the $60 a month range. There are some nominal pass through fees, depending on which boards you're out. So that's why I say range. But nice, simple, straightforward pricing. You own the websites and you have full access to it. You can edit the website yourself, you have a visual editor. So it brings it up much just like a PowerPoint document that you work in, and you can drag things across the screen screen. We have the most computer illiterate people on the planet that a fair really well with it. And then some foremost, SEO is the way forward. We've got so many clients right now that are transitioning off these per paid search mechanisms and it's, and it's not a it's not an instead of sort of thing, your channels, you might have Zillow, you might have you referrals, you might have a Google app campaign.

Stu Hill @
SEO is another vertical, another channel that needs to be focused. And it doesn't pay off instantly. Like we can send on pay-per-click ads today and you'll have leads in the next hour. It's an as well as but certainly being able to have a you know, one of the nicest looking websites out there for a really low barrier to entry, and then focus that money on an asset. So that every page that we build is an assets to your website and to your business. That'll continue to draw traffic now and into the future. So if we factor in the outer page, then we're looking at the payback over months and years, not, not just one click. And did that person turn into a lead or not, and that's super valuable. And my experience has, I helped actually build some of the marketing channels that didn't exist years ago, like social media management and influencer marketing. We literally the technology

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
And some of those things that didn't exist. And so from an SEO perspective, you're right. And everything you said with the ads and one, wherever you're an agent's local market is when things do start to turn down, which always is going to happen. One, the price of ads goes way up, but you can't just, you know, do something tomorrow and get in and rank high on Google. It does take time to build it up. Like you mentioned, the asset that they're investing in. So by agents doing well in investing in a website that they own today built by you guys powered by us so that it can rank. Then when things do turn, now, everybody else is going to be scrambling for the few leads that are out there, but you're going to be ranking top or all sorts of traffic in your local areas. And so your business is going to be protected or insured when things do, or they may.

Stu Hill @
That was great for your time today. I'm going to post links to this the description below. So check out showcase IDX showcase, And we've got details on our websites. You'll you'll find the link below. Thanks so much.

Kurt Uhlir @ Showcase IDX:
Thanks, Stu.


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