Setting up your Featured Listings in the IDX Control Panel iHomefinder IDX

Your Featured Listings are IDX listings from your own brokerage that can be associated with you, based on your Agent code and/or Office code. These listings are available to display on your site via IDX Page Links, widgets, and shortcode (Optima Express). -Agent Code Your featured listings will default to displaying any active listings under one or more Agent codes. If there are no active listings under the Agent code(s), then listings under your Office code will be displayed. -Office Code Your featured listings will default to displaying any active listings under one or more office codes.

Your Featured Listings are IDX listings where you or your brokerage office represent the seller, based on your MLS Agent code and/or Office code. Your active featured listings automatically display on your site within the Featured Listings IDX page provided with your account. They can also be displayed within listing gallery options such as sidebar widgets and gallery sliders.

(Please note, it is not permitted to show any listings from outside your brokerage in your Featured Listings. Featured Listings in our system are only the listings where you or your brokerage represent the seller. Instead, you can use tools such as Markets and Community Pages to highlight general IDX listings from specific local areas.)

The following two account settings options may be used to populate the featured listings in your account:

1) Featured Properties Identifier Setting Options

  • Agent Code as primary
    Your featured listings will default to displaying active listings under one or more Agent codes.
    If there are no active listings under the Agent code(s), then listings under your Office code will be displayed as your featured listings.
  • Office Code as primary
    Your featured listings will show the listings for your brokerage office.

    Please note:
    • If you do not have any active listings under your Agent code, consider using the Office code as the featured listings identifier to ensure featured listings will be populated.
    • Different information will show in the seller's rep area for your featured listings than on general IDX listings.
      • The info that will show on featured listings can come from both your IDX control panel and data from your board, and include the name of the listing agent, listing office, and listing agent phone number and email address.
      • The info that will show can change if you are using the Agent code or the Office code as the featured listings identifier.
        • In most cases, info from the Display Name field in your account will show if you use the Agent code, and the name of your brokerage office will show if you use the Office code.
        • If you have a broker-level package, and populate an agent bio page in the IDX Control Panel with the agent's name and photo, contact info, and agent ID, then the phone number, agent website address, and photo for the listing agent can show on their featured listings pages.

The Featured Properties Identifier setting must be changed by an iHomefinder representative, so please contact us if you'd like to change this setting in your account.

2) Your Agent and Office ID's

Enter your Agent and/or Office ID's in your account by logging into your IDX Control Panel and selecting Setup > Account > MLS Setup.

If the Featured Properties Identifier (FPI) is set to Agent, you should enter your Agent ID in the MLSID field, and your Office ID in the Alternate MLSID field.

If the FPI is set to Office, you should enter your Office ID in the MLSID field.

Your Agent and/or Office ID's are provided by your board. If you can't locate these, please contact us for help as our support team can often locate these ID's for you if you provide a listing ID for one of your active listings.

Including Your Sold Listings in Featured Listings

An option is available to include your Sold listings within your Featured Listings. Please see Displaying & Managing Featured Sold Listings for more details.

Boards Without Agent IDs or Office IDs

Some boards do not include Agent codes or Office ID's for Featured Listings. Please see Boards and MLS® Systems Without Agent IDs and Office IDs for more information.

Modifying Featured Listings

Please see our Knowledgebase article for more information on Featured Listings modification options.

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