What Can I Do to Keep My Business Above Water in Turbulent Times?

What Can I Do to Keep My Business Above Water in Turbulent Times?

The world is finally getting back to normal, but that doesn’t mean the pandemic is over just yet. What it does mean is that you now have an opportunity to make changes to your business that will make you a more prolific player in a post-COVID world. If you’re struggling to get by right now, a few tweaks to your business may be just what you need to get going once again. Tips below.

Prioritize your website.

As if everybody wasn’t already shopping online before the pandemic, there are more and more online transactions happening now than there ever have been, especially in the real estate sector. People are buying homes sight unseen using the internet as their guide. As such, you have to have an excellent presence on the web. This starts with your website. Do not rely on DIY website builders to give you the dynamic, user-friendly experience your clients demand. CHEM.agency has the experience and expertise you need to take your real estate website to the next level.

Update your software and services.

No matter what kind of business you have, you likely use several different kinds of software. From your payroll services to your scheduling programs, upgrading your technology now can put you three steps ahead of the competition. With payroll as an example, being able to pay your agents and employees automatically and accurately frees you up for more important tasks, and, as an added benefit, helps you stay organized. Ideally, your platform can handle instant deposits and streamline obligations like IRS forms and payments and employee benefits, as well as provide adequate support from setup to tax time. Likewise, using an online appointment scheduling program for your team means that clients can plan appointments around their schedule without having to wait on human confirmation.

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Reconfigure your brick-and-mortar.

If you live in an area where social distancing remains the norm, now is also a great time to rethink your space, including your office and lobby. Although buyers and sellers rarely come into the office these days, you want them to feel comfortable when they do. Remove a few chairs and make sure that you have plenty of hand sanitizer and masks available.

Follow trends.

Every industry has trends that you’ll need to follow if you want to keep up with what your customers and clients want. In real estate, this means understanding the current climate and how to help your clients make the most of whatever situation they are in. For 2021, virtual agents, online closings, and third-party buyers are the thing. You’ll also want to keep an eye on virus resurgence and vaccination levels. The fewer cases diagnosed and the more people vaccinated means people may feel more comfortable doing all sorts of activities, including touring homes in person. Be prepared for whatever is expected to come your way.

Research before you spend.

Even if you do not work in an industry that was hit hard by the pandemic, you don’t want to get too careless with your money now. Before you reach for your wallet and drain your account on the latest trends in technology, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. Keep in mind that we live in a free market, so you may be able to get the same types of equipment, services, branded merchandise, and other closing gifts for much less than you originally intended on spending. Some things, such as marketing your website, may cost more money than others, so don’t forget to weigh quality against the price tag before you make a decision.

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2021 is — knock on wood — starting to shape up much better than 2020. This means reshaping your business, regardless of what industry you’re in, to meet the needs of today’s consumers. From upping your web presence to knowing where to spend your money, the above tips can help you keep things moving forward even if you’ve been hit by a setback. Let CHEM.agency help you in this journey. Reach out for a free consultation.

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