What is a real estate recruiting partnership program?

recruiting partnership program

A real estate recruiting partnership program is a service offered by some companies to help real estate brokers and teams to recruit new agents. These programs typically involve a targeted approach to identify and reach out to agents who are active in the market and affiliated with a brokerage, and to pitch the benefits of joining the client’s brokerage or team. The process may include sending out targeted email campaigns, making phone calls to potential recruits, and nurturing leads until they are ready to schedule a meeting with the client. Once a lead is deemed a good fit, the recruiting company may provide a warm handoff or introduction to the client to help close the deal and bring the new agent on board. In exchange for their services, real estate recruiting partnership programs typically charge a fee per transaction for any agent they recruit for the first year they are with the broker.

How is the CHEM.agency real estate recruiting partnership program different?

CHEM.agency’s real estate recruiting partnership program is different from other recruiting programs in a few key ways:

  1. Targeted approach: CHEM.agency’s program focuses specifically on agents who are doing between 6-15 transactions per year in a given market, as they are often the most valuable recruits for a brokerage.
  2. Personal touch: CHEM.agency’s team makes immediate contact with potential recruits when they click on a call-to-action in a weekly email campaign, which can help to establish a personal connection and begin building a relationship.
  3. Expertise: CHEM.agency’s CEO, Stu Hill, has more than 20 years of experience in digital marketing for the real estate industry, as well as more than 14 years of experience in real estate recruiting. This level of expertise can help to ensure that the program is effective and efficient.
  4. Results-driven: CHEM.agency’s program charges on a per-transaction basis, meaning that the company is motivated to focus on finding and recruiting the best agents who are most likely to be successful with their clients. This helps to ensure that the program is results-driven and focused on delivering value to clients.
See also  Why A Real Estate Recruiting Plan is Essential (VIDEO)

How can the CHEM.agency recruiting partnership program help my real estate brokerage?

CHEM.agency’s real estate recruiting partnership program can help your brokerage by providing a targeted approach to recruiting real estate agents who are active in your market. By focusing on agents who are doing 6-15 transactions per year, CHEM.agency can help you identify and connect with high-quality potential recruits who are already established in the industry.

Additionally, CHEM.agency’s program includes regular email and phone outreach to potential recruits, allowing you to build a relationship with them over time and showcase what your brokerage has to offer. This can be particularly valuable in a competitive real estate market where there are many brokerages vying for top talent.

Finally, CHEM.agency’s program provides warm hand-offs and introductions to potential recruits, which can increase the likelihood of successfully closing the deal and hiring the agents you want for your brokerage.

Overall, CHEM.agency’s real estate recruiting partnership program offers a streamlined and targeted approach to recruiting high-quality real estate agents who are active in your market, and can help your brokerage grow and succeed in a competitive industry.

How much does the CHEM.agency real estate recruiting partnership program cost?

CHEM.agency charges on a per transaction basis. They ask for $100 per transaction for any agent they recruit for the first year they are with the broker.

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