Why Real Estate Farming Is Effective

Real Estate Farming

Geographic farming is a powerful approach to lead prospecting because it zeros in on your audience and forces you to laser focus your marketing message. Rather than trying to be all things to all buyers and sellers, a real estate agent who farms knows more about who they’re targeting messages for.

This allows those messages to be more tailored to the needs and desires of your audience, and therefore more effective.

When you hear the word “farming,” most of us think of agriculture, of growing things. You can think of your real estate farm much in the same way:

First, you plant the seeds of transactions by identifying homes in a particular area that would be excellent candidates for sale one day. Then, you nurture those seeds by establishing a relationship in the neighborhood with the owners of those homes through regular communication and community involvement.

Finally, when it comes time for those owners to sell their home, you’re there to harvest the sales.

This long term approach to consistent customized messaging puts you top of mind or at least in the running for just about every seller in that neighborhood, as well as makes you an easy referral in the event that anybody connected to those homeowners is looking to buy or sell.

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